Page 29 of Devastated

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I’m about to turn left into the parking lot of her studio when the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I glance in the rearview mirror. A black pickup is bearing down on us. Alarm snaps me to attention. This is more than a driver simply missing the flash of my taillights.

Oncoming traffic is thick. Turning into it would mean death for Penelope. The best choice is straight ahead. I floor it, tires squealing.

The truck rams the rear end.

“Fuck!” I shout as my head whips forward.

Penelope screams, and her body slams in the seat belt. I grunt against the impact but keep steady pressure on the gas. The impact wasn’t hard enough to deploy the airbags. The tires keep squealing as the pickup pushes us.

This isn’t an accident. It’s intentional. My mind isn’t wandering like earlier. I’m laser-focused, and our options and resources are a running list in my mind.

Penelope tries to look behind us.

“Face forward.” I tighten my hand on the steering wheel, keeping us moving straight. If I veer in any direction, this rear-end collision will turn into a T-bone.

I’ve given the car enough gas that as soon as we break free of the pickup, I yank the wheel to go right into the next lane. Other cars have given us enough distance that I don’t have to worry about anyone coming.

I stomp on the brake enough to whip around a turn onto a smaller street. The pickup roars by behind us.

I roll to a stop, my heart racing, but my hands steady and my breathing even. I tense as I wait for the truck to speed by, looking for us. Our tires are shot, and the rear bumper is dragging. I won’t be able to race away, but the car will still drive.

My instinct says the truck isn’t coming back. This was meant to scare. Anything beyond that could get them caught or even identified.

Penelope’s eyes are wide and she’s looking around.

“Keep your head down.”

She tries to duck but can’t bend over. Her seat belt is locked tight. Mine, too, but I don’t make a move until I know who the fuck is around us.

“Don’t worry about it.” She might need her seat belt yet. I check the mirrors. Cars drive past us as if nothing’s wrong, and for them, nothing is.

Penelope’s breathing is ragged. She’s terrified. I’m pissed. I didn’t drop my guard, but they caught me by surprise. Roman waited until he thought I’d grown complacent. Instead of taking me up on my offer, he’s trying to fuck with me like he’s doing with his wife.

People walk by us, giving the car little more than a glance. I pull my phone out and hit Elsa’s number. My calm is deceptive. Inside, I’m roiling. Fucking pissed. Enraged. Roman fucking Hughes isn’t going to get away with this.

While I’m waiting for Elsa to answer, I rattle off directions. “Call Juan Pablo and tell him you’re going to have to cancel. Tell him you’ve thrown up or something.”

“D-do I cancel classes tomorrow?”

She’s scared but able to think critically. That’s a good sign. “No. We don’t know if it’s connected.” It’s fucking connected, but her life has been disrupted enough. Until I can prove it, she can play sick. Elsa’s voice carries over the line. I rattle off what happened and where we’re at, then I hang up without answering her questions.

Penelope’s hand is shaking too badly to call Juan Pablo. I lift her phone from her hands and call him myself.

When he answers, I jump in. “This is Cannon. Penelope’s going to have to cancel. After classes this afternoon, she started vomiting. Diarrhea and all that.”

“Oh, shit. Is she okay? Penni never gets sick.”

“She’s sick today. Can I have her call you when she’s up to it?” I don’t feel bad lying to him. He has a family and doesn’t need to be caught up in Roman’s bullshit.

“Yes. Tell her to rest up.”

I hang up and toss the phone into Penelope’s tote bag.

Her breathing is still ragged, and she hasn’t moved. I put a hand under her shoulder and lift her. Her gaze seeks mine and I hold it.

“Breathe, Penelope. In.”

Her chin quivers, but she sucks in a breath.
