Page 20 of One and Only

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I freaking loved this look.

“I’m right here, Cade.” If he didn’t kiss me, I would die. Suddenly his lips on mine were the only thing in the entire world I wanted to feel.

“Meet me halfway,” he murmured, his voice dark and husky. “I need to know you want it too.”

My lips parted and I hesitated half a second before taking a step into the solid warmth of his body. My breasts brushed his chest, and I shivered at the familiar contact as he drew me closer and his head dropped infinitesimally closer to mine.

God, I loved his lips. They could be soft and hard at the same time, and he knew how to make me feel good everywhere. Jeez, how would the beard feel? I reached up to encircle his neck with my arms, letting my fingers drift into his hair. I whispered my admission. “I want you too.” My eyes darted from his to his lips and back up again. “Kiss me, please.”

“I missed you.” His words were almost lost in the air between us as his mouth pressed against mine, closing what was left of the distance.

I let out a whimper and pushed closer, seeking more of the hard force of his body. This is what I’d been missing in my life. All other thoughts left my head as he kissed me and I lost myself in his arms. Past and present collided as his tongue slid against mine, claiming me in a way no one else ever could. No matter how badly I had wanted to forget what it felt like to kiss Cade, he’d always been there in the back of my mind whenever I’d kissed someone else.

He stepped into me, leg between mine, hands at my waist, and backed me up until my hips nestled into the corner of the counter. I stood, breathless, caged in by him, by his insistent gaze, greedy mouth, and seeking hands. “I’ve been dying to kiss you since you crashed into our tree.” His growl against my lips sent a shudder through me. All I could do was hang on tight, gripping his strong forearm with a desperate clasp of my trembling hand.

“Cade . . .” I gasped before his lips took mine again. That beard I was so curious about tickled my chin and cheeks as our kiss became frantic. His body was hard against mine, chest like a wall, strong arms banded around me like he’d never let me go.

I tried to keep up with the kiss, to give to him what he was giving to me, but I couldn’t. He was too much, too strong, too overwhelming. I gave up and let him give us both what we needed.

This kiss told me more about the changes in him than any of our other interactions since I got back to Sweetbriar had. This Cade was dominant and determined, he wanted me, and he was going to take what he wanted.

His innate sweetness was now wrapped up with something forceful and primal. He was utterly intoxicating, and I wanted to know everything I’d missed out on. His hands drifted down to my ass, kneading into my flesh as he ground himself against me.

It was pent-up, furious, and beyond anything we had ever shared together. We were rapidly spinning out of control, and I didn’t want to stop.

“Yes, Cade, yes.” I breathed as I ran my palms down the hard planes of his chest to grip his shirt in my hands and haul him closer.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Slowly I forced my eyes open. The timer on his stove was going off but he didn’t notice. His eyes were still closed; he was seemingly unaware of anything but me and him. His broad palm moved to my jaw, cupping my chin, fingers pressing into my cheek as he deepened our kiss.

My eyes slammed shut again.

Screw dinner.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I drew my head back. “Cade—”

His eyes blazed into mine. “Damn, Charlotte.”

“That was . . .” Amazing and probably life altering.

He took in a shaky breath before smiling at me. “I promised you dinner, didn’t I?” With a reach behind himself, he shut off the timer.

“Oh yeah . . . dinner.” I swayed, off balance at the sudden loss of his lips on mine. But slowing things down was probably a good idea. I hadn’t expected to walk into his kitchen and straight into the fire.

“Go sit on the couch, baby. I’ll bring you a plate.”

Finally coming back to my senses, I teased him to lighten the heavy mood we had stumbled into. “I hope it’s not mac and cheese.”

“I know better,” he teased back.

“Can I help?”

“Sure. Grab the wine and glasses. In the cupboard—”

“Above the fridge, right?” I raised an eyebrow.

His lips tilted to the side in a grin as he nodded.

“The kitchen may be a little different, but your organizational skills are still the same.”

“Old habits die hard, I guess.” He bent and removed a casserole dish from the oven and set it on the stove. “So, I made lemon chicken. I know it’s basic, but I think I’ve finally perfected the recipe.” He was sheepish as he stuck a bag of rice into the microwave. “I have not yet perfected rice, however.”

“Hey, microwave rice is one of my staples, along with Marie Calendar meals and canned soup. I’m not gonna judge it. I haven’t perfected anything except ordering take-out. Pizza is my specialty.” I grabbed a bottle of red, the wine bottle opener, and two glasses and made my way to the living room. I kicked off my boots and sat on the couch, tucking my legs beneath me.

Even though it was different here and we had both changed so much, it still felt like I was home, like I’d never left. It was almost as if the years hadn’t crept between us, and we were back where we once were. Tears filled my eyes, with a sharp inhale I brushed them away and attempted to regain control of my emotions. Every part of my being had suddenly become desperate to make this work with him. My heart was a twisted mess of anticipation in my chest as I poured the wine and waited for him. I had no idea what would happen next; it was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time.

Chill out, Charlotte.I poured a glass of wine and attempted to relax.

He entered, set our plates on the coffee table, then froze as he sat down. “I’m sorry,” he blurted.

Surprised, I turned to him with my glass of wine halfway to my mouth. “For what?”

“Uh, I didn’t set the table. I didn’t put out candles or flowers.” His head hung. “What was I thinking? I just served you at the coffee table like it was ten years ago. Shit, I should have taken you to the Riverview Grille or someplace nice—”

“Stop. I love it, I swear. This is comfortable and cozy and I’m so happy I feel this way with you right now. Please don’t be sorry, Cade.”

“You don’t think I’m a tool for not taking you out on a real date?”
