Page 12 of Craving Justice

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She blinked against the intensity of his scrutiny. “And I’m the black sheep of my family. My parents disapprove of my chosen career as a café owner.” Or ‘food outlet’ as her dad referred to Seven Dishes. “I insist on being friends with people outside what they would deem my social set, and my mom is close to disowning me if I don’t hurry up and marry well.”

Two spectacular crash and burn encounters on the romance front made Harper suspicious of sharing her heart again. Todd, her first serious lover in college, with his dream boy smile and man-whore behavior. “Babe, I couldn’t help myself. No guy wants to be tied down.”

And Chad, her ex-fiancé who’d wanted her so badly until she wouldn’t conform to his expectations. “If you just lost thirty pounds and ditched your weirdo friends, people wouldn’t stare at you so much.”

Why couldn’t her mom ease off about marriage? After all, Sienna had fulfilled the expectations by marrying Lance and having two kids. Wasn’t one obedient daughter enough?

Seth raised his beer to his mouth, giving her another glimpse of a strong wrist and sculptured forearm. “You’re not planning a trip down the aisle anytime soon?”

“Not this month.” She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “Busy at the café. Plus, it’s summer, and who can fit a wedding in with all those weekend barbecues and long days frolicking about in the sunshine?”

His lips twitched as he set down his now empty glass. “One can’t pass up the chance of a good frolic.”

Hearing this alpha male, who carried himself like he could hold his own in a bar fight, say the word frolic was too much. Her laugh rang out in a loud burst.

And then it happened, as it invariably always did in these moments.

She snorted.

Right there. In the open.

It was a doozy.

She quickly covered her mouth, but there was no denying it.

Seth’s voice shook with humor. “Seriously, too fucking cute.”

“I’m sorry.” She rushed out. “I do that sometimes. It’s a quirk.” Curse. “Of mine.”

He huffed a laugh. “Don’t apologize.”

“No, really, I’m not graceful like my sister.”


“My mom even sent me to deportment lessons. Miss Stoddard’s Academy for Young Girls.” She rolled her eyes at the memory. “I failed ‘Rise and Greet’. Crashed into a side table and sprained my wrist.” Why the hell had she shared that? But hey, why stop there? “That was after I’d spilled the wine over my instructor. Mom never sent me back after that. She said—”

“Harper.” Seth’s forceful command silenced her confession. “You done?”

“Yep.” Why was she babbling? When was the last time she’d been so nervous around a guy?

Seth reached out, capturing one of her hands. “First, when I say don’t apologize, I mean it.” He swept his thumb over her knuckles, and she couldn’t hide her shiver. Embarrassed at, heck, everything, she tugged on his grip. He firmed his hold. Caught. A hot thrill shot through her body.

“Second, never, and I mean never, give up that snort.”

She blinked. “Why?”

His voice deepened. “Because it’s you, sweetheart. Spontaneous and genuine.”

Her chest locked on her indrawn breath. Well, that was…just lovely.

“All righty then.” Just like that, her mouth formed a smile.

And the surge of delight that swept through her at his answering grin? Priceless.

“As much as I’m enjoying hearing your exploits at that fancy arse deportment school, I’d prefer it without an audience.” He glanced to his left.

She followed his prompt, and her mouth dropped open at the sight of Theo and two younger men obviously related to him sitting at one of the tables a few feet away watching her and Seth. Her observers grinned. Not an ounce of shame marred their faces.
