Page 35 of Craving Justice

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“Well then, I’ll just have to get creative to weaken your defenses.” Seth’s voice flowed over her like a generous spoonful of velvety rich chocolate sauce flavored with a pinch of chili that delivered a spark of heat to all the right places.

Deciding that ignoring Seth was likely her best option right now, she shoved her rag in one pocket of her apron and grabbed her order pad and pen from the other. “Heath, what can I get you?”

“Dillon’s volunteered to feed all his brothers tonight, so I’ll just have a coffee. Make it a straight black, thanks.” The cop’s relaxed features and easy manner seemed incongruous with her memories of this morning when he studied her with his forensic-sharp gaze like she was a suspect in a break-in instead of the victim of a hoax.

Which served to remind her a girl underestimated these alpha guys at her own risk.

Seth said, “The guys and I still have a lot to plan and discuss, and after such a long time apart...” He broke off and grimaced. “Well, you saw from this morning we have a few things to talk through.”

“That’s great, you all catching up.” And it was, both allowing the men to reconnect and, at least for right now, giving her the space from Seth she hoped for. So why did the prospect of not seeing him tonight leave her chest feeling empty? She buried that silliness and turned to Seth. “How about you? Juice, soda, or maybe arsenic in a glass?” She added a smile to take out any sting.

He huffed a laugh. “I think I’ll take my chances with an Americano.”

Harper scribbled down their order. “Okeydoke. Won’t be long.” She allowed herself a quick glance back. Seeing his gaze, assessing and confident, still fixed on her as he leaned back in the chair, a thrill sped through her, sending a flush of heat down deep.

She headed to the counter and gave the guys’ order to Nitro.

“Who are the dudes?” he asked while preparing their order.

“That’s Seth and Heath Justice.”

He switched his gaze to Harper. “The jerk from this morning?”

Harper sighed. Upon returning to the café, she’d dived in to help her staff with the remainder of the morning rush. By ten o’clock, they’d had a chance to take a breath and she reassured her loyal team Seth wasn’t the Antichrist, and in fact, was not responsible for the post. That didn’t mean they were about to add Seth to their Christmas card list. Not until he passed inspection. Her one blessing was that Nitro was the only one left on shift from earlier. Kristy and Nadia, her two university students working their normal afternoon and early evening shifts, were blissfully unaware of this morning’s drama.

Harper dropped her pad back into the pocket of her apron. “We’ve clearly established he’s not a jerk.” And he wasn’t, but he was damn stubborn. “So if you could maybe not drop any poison into his cup, that would be appreciated.”

“I could take him, you know I could.” Nitro looked over Harper’s head, his gaze narrowing as he surveyed his potential opponent. “He gives you any hint of trouble, Harper, let me know.”

Yes, Nitro was tall and lean, but he didn’t have Seth’s muscled bulk. Most importantly, he hadn’t anywhere near the Aussie’s life experiences, which Harper would bet gave Seth the ultimate fighting edge.

“Babe, I’m thinking that’s probably not likely. So how about we leave testing that theory for another day, as in never.” She glanced up as Nitro finished making the coffees. “But just so you know, I love you for offering to put your body on the line.” She gave him a wink, grabbed the coffees, and headed over to their table.

As she delivered their order, Heath’s phone rang. He looked at the screen. “This may take a while.” He grabbed his cup from the table and walked to a spot against the far wall where nobody was sitting.

Seth gestured with his hand to Heath’s abandoned seat. “Can you spare a minute?”

A quick glance revealed the ten or so seated customers seemed content, and her team was coping with those lined up at the counter. And he’d asked nicely, not demanded.

“Sure, I can spare a few minutes.” Slipping into the opposite chair, she leaned forward, her hands clasped in front of her. “What’s up?”

“Things were pretty intense for you this morning, both before you arrived at my office and during.” Seth gaze softened with concern. “I wanted to make sure you were okay, and if not, how I could make that better.”

She felt her body relax in the chair and sink deeper into the cushioned seat. That was nice of him.

“Thank you, I appreciate you asking.” She glanced down at her hands before lifting her head. “I’ve been worried about you, too. How did things go with my dad?”

“Bloody marvelous,” Seth answered with a humorless laugh.

“Damn.” She reached out and grasped his hand, giving it a squeeze. “This is such a crappy thing that’s happening to you, and so insidious. I wish there was some way I could help.”

He turned over his hand so he now had hold of hers and rubbed his thumb over the top of her skin. “You already have by offering.”

She opened her mouth, but unsure of what to say, let it close.

“But I’m going to ask you this favor. Tell me why you don’t want to see me.” He firmed his grip when she moved to pull free. “It’s not that you don’t like me. Last night we made plans to see each other again, and that connection doesn’t disappear overnight.”

“A lot has happened since that time, Seth.” Harper reminded him.
