Page 43 of Light Me Up

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I tookmy tea to the back porch but left the door open so Raven could join me if she wanted. I began to doubt it though, as when I left the warmth of Theo’s arms and got up to open the bedroom door, Raven flew in past me and took my place next to him.

The sight of my black cat curled up and purring against Theo’s hard muscles made my heart do a pitter patter. After last night, I felt more sure about us than I expected to. But the same old fear of opening myself up to someone lingered.

I thought about the few guys I’d dated seriously here in Moon Harbor. Only, I wouldn’t really call it seriously. More like casually for an extended period of time. I could see that now. I never let them in, never let them see me. One of my greatest fears was being overtaken again like what happened with Billy. Losing myself to someone else and becoming a shell of the person I was.

I looked out at my garden, the trees starting to get their green again after the winter. The bulbs freshly planted and waiting to bloom. It was here because I made it so, just like everything else I had here. And I loved the life I created.

The fear of losing it all was pulling me back, but thinking about Theo and how open he’d become with me, how caring he’d been, was helping me to see past it. Maybe I could let someone in—truly in—and not risk losing myself. I thought of Theo’s eyes, the way they scrunched up as he smiled at me. Maybe I’d just needed to wait for the right person.

I heard footsteps from inside and turned to see Theo, still shirtless, walking down the hall carrying a content Raven in his arms. This man was really trying to kill me.

He walked through the door and set her down, but she just winded through his legs as he walked over to me, right up against me and kissed my lips.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

His voice was raspy with sleep and I thought it was the sexiest sound I’d ever heard. I backed up a step to take in the view of his abs. Talk about a winning combo.

“Good morning, Sheriff.”

“You know, I like when you call me that. It reminds me of my power.” He smirked and put his hands on my waist, pulling me back closer to him.

“Oh I hardly think you need reminding of that.”

“Maybe not, but I enjoy it all the same.

“I bet you do.”

He kissed me again, this time slow, like a meandering walk through the garden. His lips were in no hurry, so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and let him explore. He parted my lips with his tongue, but didn’t deepen the kiss anymore than that. A moan sounded from deep in his chest. His hands grazed my sides, sending shivers through me, then came to rest down on my butt.

“You know, I fucking love this ass.”

“Do you?” My voice came out breathy, and I didn’t bother to open my eyes yet. I was still under Theo’s spell and it felt like heaven.

“Oh yes I really fucking do. You’re gonna let me worship it.” He squeezed it and then slapped it with his right hand. A squeal sounded from my throat and he laughed then, a deep timbre that held so much promise of naughty things to come.

And now I was wet first thing in the morning. Damn him.

A shrill ring sounded out from inside the house and Theo’s head sank.

“That’s my work cell.”

I kissed his lips one more time and then patted his chest.

“You better go answer it, Sheriff.”

I spun away from him, but he reached out and pinched me with a growl. I laughed as I shooed him away, and the light feeling in my heart caught me off guard.

I’d been so anxious, just over a week ago. And now, even with uncertainty on the horizon, I felt more at peace than I had in a long time. It was one more sign that maybe Theo was good for me. And if I’d learned anything since that awful day I was attacked with Billy, it was that I needed to listen to signs.

Theo came back out a few moments later, pulling his T-shirt on over his head.

“There’s been another fire.”

“What? Where?”

“The old cannery out near Sherwood. Seems like it started overnight, but no one was around to call it in until just before dawn.”

“Oh heavens.”

“I gotta get out there.”

“Yeah, of course.”

“Will you call Landry to walk to work with you? Or drive straight there?”

“Yes, don’t worry about me.”

“You promise?”

The worry in his face melted my heart. He had so much on his shoulders, and he was still thinking of me. I rose up onto my tip toes and leaned in to plant a kiss on his lips, loving the sensation of his scruffy whiskers against my skin. He wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer. When we broke apart, both our breath came out in pants.

“I promise. Be safe.”

He dropped his forehead onto mine, and something passed between us. Something that meant more than we expected it to.

“I will. Text me. Keep me updated so I know you’re okay.”

“I will.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.”
