Page 17 of Broken Monster

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Like magnets, our gaze was pulled toward each other. Curiosity, anger, and desire flashed in his green eyes. There were questions there that I wasn’t going to answer. I hope he was ready for some disappointment. When this class was over, I had a feeling I would be cornered by either him, his boys, or all of them together so they could ask their questions. It should be an interesting conversation.

The thing I seemed to be focused on that I saw on his face was the desire.

It reflected the same desire I felt when he walked into the room. It began to curl in my pussy before I even turned to look at him. It was as if my body knew on instinct that he was close by, and it went on high alert. I’d felt those hands and lips on my skin, and I wanted to feel it more. I wanted more from him and his boys.

Moving to the spot I’d chosen at the beginning of the year; I pulled my feet up into the seat beneath me and kept my eyes to myself. We didn’t need to get into anything there in the classroom surrounded by students. I had a feeling this conversation wasn’t going to be as calm as the one we had in the cafe.

My heart rate picked up as the Valentino boys moved further into the classroom. They bypassed where they generally sit and moved towards the sofa I’d claimed as my own. Dante had sat beside me a few times, but for the most part the four of them tended to keep to themselves on the other side of the classroom.

Cole and Enzo sat on the right side of me without any acknowledgement. Large rough hands wrapped around the top of my arms and my body was lifted into the air. My shocked eyes snapped up to Dante’s face as he physically moved my body closer to Enzo’s making room for him and Nico to sit on my left side.

I was sandwiched in the middle of all of them. The sofa wasn’t that large, so I could feel Enzo and Dante pressed up against the entire length of both sides of my body. My breathing had become faster as the scent of them mingled together and invaded my senses. I was suffocating in their tantalizing smell, and it was affecting my body in a way I wasn’t happy about.

At least I didn’t want it to affect me in the middle of English class. I could feel the way my clit pulsed as my pussy began to wet the thin fabric of my thong.

I wasn’t sure if I was ready for it, but things were going to be changing between us all here soon. The uncertainty of what the future would bring bothered me, but there was also a spark of excitement inside of me at the thought that those changes involved them.
