Page 35 of Broken Monster

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My stomach was twisting and turning as I tried to make sense of what happened.

Gritting my teeth, I tried to push myself up into a sitting position to evaluate the scene around me. I couldn’t make my brain comprehend what was going on. There had been no indication from anywhere that someone was going to attempt to blow me up. I’d made my fair share of enemies over the years, but this had come out of left field.

The sight of my destroyed car broke my heart. There were many things in my life that I took pride in or even kept with me. Living the kind of life I did, it didn’t make sense to accumulate a lot of stuff. However, that car was something I’d built myself. I’d bought it as this little junker and then restored it back to its beautiful self. There had been so much work and time put into turning it into the wondrous thing it had been.

Now it was simply a charred scrap of metal. There was no saving it or rebuilding it. Tears burned at the back of my eyes. I wasn’t tempted to cry because of the pain I was in or even for the fact that someone wanted to kill me.


It was all because they’d destroyed my fucking car.

“Milo, are you okay?” I asked as I continued to stare at my poor totaled baby.

“Yeah. You good?” I could hear the strain in his voice. He had to be in as much or even more pain as I was. He’d been a little closer to the blast than I was. The force of the blast had sent him to the ground with so much force his hand had been ripped away from my arm and he ended up being at least a foot further away from than he had been.

“Yeah. Can you sit up?”

He was still laying on the ground rubbing his head. He would need to be looked at by a doctor or something. He could possibly have a concussion. All my plans for the evening were canceled now, so he could stay with me for the night so I could wake him up periodically throughout.

The sounds of other students started to reach my ears as they moved closer to me. Everyone was shocked about the explosion. There was no way I would be able to explain this away. Someone was already on the phone with the police explaining their version of what happened. It was a confused and scared explanation. I understood completely.

I didn’t know what the fuck was going on.

“Tora,” my name was the only thing uttered as I was lifted from the ground and hoisted up into Cole’s arms.

Turning my head to face him fucking hurt. There was a possibility I had a little bit of whiplash from being blown to the ground. The heat of his body surrounded me, and I suddenly realized I’d grown cold. I wasn’t sure if it was because my body was in shock or if I had an injury, I wasn’t aware of yet.

I could make out the concern on his face as he quickly walked towards the benches on either side of the wide steps that led into the school. He didn’t sit me down on the bench, but instead sat down with me on his lap.

If my body wasn’t in so much pain, I would’ve put up some kind of fight about sitting there on his lap for everyone to see. That wasn’t a position I wanted anyone to see me in. I just didn’t have the energy at the moment to do anything about it.

“Are you okay? Where are you hurt?” he asked as his hands ran all over my body searching for wounds.

My ears were still ringing, and it was hard to understand what he was saying, but he made sure his voice was raised and his mouth was close to my ear.

I could tell there was some damage to my arm and my knee at the very least. The feeling of blood running down my leg had my attention. I didn’t feel anything broken, but it was a little hard to breathe. Like there was something sitting on my chest making it almost impossible for my chest to expand all the way.

“I’m fine, Cole. Just let me go. I need to get over to the car and take some pictures for Jasper before the fucking cops arrive.” I was trying to listen out for the sirens, but with the ears all messed up like they were I wasn’t going to be able to hear them even once they got into the parking lot.

“You need to stay here. Enzo, get over there and check the shit out. Send whatever photos you get to Tora’s phone. Dante, see if you can find some paper towels or something we can press to this wound on her leg. I wanted to try and clean it up a bit to look at it before the EMTs get here.” He was barking out orders to the rest of his crew like it was something he was used to. The fact that he was giving out the orders made me realize Nico wasn’t here.

“Where’s Nico?” Not that it fucking mattered. Unless he was gone somewhere disposing of the evidence that he was behind setting the bomb in my car.

The Valentino boys were my only enemies at the school. Dom and Angel were enemies as well, but Santiago still had some use for me at the moment. That meant he wouldn’t send his people to kill me just yet.

“He had a meeting with his father, so he left a little while ago. Don’t worry, Dante has already texted him letting him know what happened.” I wasn’t sure if that made me feel better or if I was worried about it.

I was off my game now, and I was knocked off guard with the bomb. I needed to check on Milo, and I also had to tell Jasper what happened. That’s why I wanted the photos. Mainly I wanted pictures of whatever was left of the device. Hopefully he would be able to get some usual information to be able to use on figuring out what kind of bomb it was.

“Where’s Milo?”

“I’m right here, Tor. I’m fine. It looks like you took the brunt of the blast surprisingly since I was closer to it. It looks like Enzo is getting some good photos and Dante is keeping everyone else back away from your car. I’m sorry, but it looks like the car is a complete loss.”

Hearing him confirm what I figured out myself only hurt that much more. Whenever I figured out who was responsible for this, I was going to make their death painful. I was going to enjoy myself as I bled them out and carved away their flesh. That car was one of the only things that was mine in this world, and they took it away. That alone was enough for me to hunt them down and fuck them up. It didn’t even matter who they were working for or why they did what they did.

“The cops are almost here. I can hear the sirens. Once we give statements, we’ll have the EMTs look at you. I’ll ride with you to the hospital and Dante and Enzo can follow.” Cole’s hand was still rubbing up and down along my spine. I wasn’t sure what was up with this caring and concerned act he was putting on. It was a drastic shift in attitude towards me.

The only thing I could think of was he was suddenly going soft on me because he’d been inside my pussy. That just wasn’t going to work. We let off a little steam and had an enjoyable night, but that doesn’t mean we are now some lovey dovey couple that needs to be sweet to one another.

“I’m not going to the hospital. They can patch me up right here, and then I’m going home.”

“I’m with Cole on this one. You need to be checked out properly. I’ve already messaged Jasper. He’s going to meet us there. I also let Alicen know what was happening so that she would keep on her guard.”

There was Milo trying to take care of everyone again. How he was able to function enough to use his phone at all was beyond me. I was a seasoned veteran of crisis and high-risk situations, and I couldn’t function enough to get off Cole’s lap.

I wasn’t going to mention that for some reason I felt safe and comfortable right where I was.

Grumbling about managing men, I sat there waiting for the police and ambulance to arrive resigned to the fact that I would be making an unplanned stop at the hospital before going home.

Damn bullying boys.
