Page 41 of Irish Princess

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“Not if you’re still and quiet, like a good girl, and don’t let on.” I grin coldly at her. “You don’t want me, right? You’ve moved on from last night? It shouldn’t be difficult then.” I stroke the smooth, bare slit of her pussy with my fingers, not delving deeper yet, but I can see her breath already hitching. “Besides, I owe you a punishment for how you talked to me last night. Ordering me around as if you had any right to do so.”

I pull her closer, lifting her slightly in the water so that she’s straddling me on the ledge, my hand fully in her bikini bottoms now as I start to tease my fingers between her folds. “There’s other ways to punish a bad girl besides spankings and floggings, Saoirse,” I murmur near her ear as I push my fingers between the swollen flesh, dragging them up towards her clit as I feel her tense. “Like making her come in public and hide it, so all the people who respect her don’t know what a wanton little slut she is for cock and orgasms.”

“You can’t talk to me that way—” Saoirse hisses, and I laugh, chuckling darkly into her ear.

“You like it when I talk to you that way.” I graze her clit, feeling her shudder, my cock swelling at the feeling of her slick flesh under my fingertips. To anyone else, we’re just a pair of newlyweds getting handsy in the pool, whispering to one another and enjoying our newfound closeness. With the sun refracting off the water here, it’s hard to see what I’m doing to her. It’ll be our little secret—as long as my horny little princess can keep still and quiet while I make her come.

If she can’t, it’ll be her who’s embarrassed, not me. I couldn’t give a fuck less about anyone seeing me take what’s mine.

“You like it because I’m the only one who dares,” I add, rubbing her clit in tight circles as she fights not to arch her back and shudder against me, little tremors rippling through her body. “All your life, everyone has spoiled you, treated you like the princess you were raised to be. No one has ever spoken to you plainly, except maybe that curly-haired little friend of yours.”

“You leave Maggie out of this,” Saoirse gasps.

“Gladly.” I press my fingers against her clit, rubbing faster, and her teeth sink down into her lower lip as she bites back a moan. “Youarea little slut, princess, but you only think that’s a bad thing for me to say because everyone’s told you it is. Think for yourself.” I slide my fingers down, pushing them into her, and my cock goes fully stiff, almost painfully hard when I feel how wet she is, hot and pulsing around my fingers. “You like this, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Saoirse whimpers, trying not to squirm on my fingers.

“It feels good, doesn’t it? Two fingers inside your pussy? What if I add a third?” I stroke her with my fingers, curling them against her, leaving her clit neglected for now. I don’t want her to come just yet. “Do you want a third finger, princess?”

Saoirse’s eyes flutter closed as her teeth sink deeper into her lip. “Yes,” she hisses, and I grin.

“There’s nothing wrong with enjoying this,” I murmur, pushing a third finger into her and stifling my own groan as I feel her pussy clench hard around them. “Nothing wrong with wanting to come. Ilovewomen who love sex, Saoirse.”

Her eyes fly open, and I see something wide and vulnerable in them. “You’ll never love me, though,” she whispers, and I know she meant to say it matter-of-factly, but I hear the hurt in her voice, hidden by her usual snappish tone.

It’s then I know that I need to tread carefully, because while I don’t have any intention of loving Saoirse or fostering a real partnership of a marriage between us, I also don’t want to break her heart.

That’s why I was up front with her from the very beginning about what this was.

“No,” I murmur. “But I do enjoy making you come.”

Something hot and angry flashes in Saoirse’s eyes. “You should do a better job,” she hisses. “I’m not even close.”

“No?” I grin. “Three must not be enough. It’s not quite as wide as my cock, after all.” I scissor my fingers together, pushing a fourth into her, and Saoirse gasps. “You’re going to come for me soon, princess,” I murmur, feeling her sink down on my fingers as she bites back a moan. I slide my thumb up, rubbing it against her clit, and her back arches involuntarily, the water splashing around us.

“Careful,” I caution mockingly. “Someone will see you getting off on my hand, Saoirse.”

“Fuck you,” she bites out, but I can feel her starting to tremble. Her muscles are tightening, her hands in fists against my chest as she tries to fight it, but she can’t stop it.

“That’s right,” I murmur, rubbing her clit harder as I push my fingers deeper inside of her, my cock achingly hard at the sight of my elegant, spoiled wife about to orgasm in a pool in front of everyone we know here. “Come for me, Saoirse. I know you want it so badly. And next time—” I lean forward as I grind my thumb against her clit, pushing my fingers against the sensitive spot inside of her. “Next time remember what happens to bad girls who dare to order their husbands around in bed.”

Saoirse’s entire body starts to shudder, and I pull her closer to me, one arm around her waist to keep the splashing from being too obvious. Her hands spread against my chest, bracing as she tries to force the orgasm down, not to writhe, and I feel her lips part against my shoulder, her teeth suddenly sinking into my flesh to muffle her cry of pleasure as her pussy clenches so tightly around my fingers that for a second I’m actually worried she might hurt me.

“You’re such a hypocrite,” she spits out as her orgasm recedes, hissing in my ear as she tries to squirm off of my hand, her pussy still fluttering around my fingers. “You can’t get me pregnant like that, Connor. Isn’t that supposed to be the reason for anything sexual we do?”

“Oh it is,” I assure her. “I was just getting you warmed up.”

Her eyes go wide. “For what?” she gasps, and I chuckle darkly.

“For this,” I tell her, and before she can squirm away I open the fly of my trunks swiftly with one hand, holding her with my curled fingers inside of her, and then in one smooth motion I yank my fingers out of her and jerk her forward, replacing my fingers with my rock-hard cock.

Saoirsealmostscreams. I feel her swallow it back, her entire body going rigid as I plunge my too-big cock into her deeper than I have before. If I hadn’t fingered her first, I’m not sure she would have been able to take it, but I feel her stretch around me with a pleasure so intense that my toes curl against the rough tile of the pool, my hands hard on her hips as her thighs splay outwards and she sinks down onto my lap, her knees on either side of me.

“What are you doing?” she hisses, her hands still planted on my chest. There’s splashing further down the pool, and others getting in, but all my focus is on her.

“Punishing you,” I tell her cheerfully. “Fucking you—“ I rock my hips against her, and see her grit her teeth against a moan. “Getting you pregnant. Take your pick, Saoirse. It doesn’t matter, because no matter what you call it, you fucking love it.” I thrust upwards, and hear the muffled squeal that she bites back. “You’re going to come again on my cock,” I whisper roughly into her ear, leaning forward. “Because you can’t help it, no matter how hard you try not to.”

“You know what, Connor?” Saoirse hisses breathlessly into my ear as I fuck her slowly, careful not to move so much that it becomes obvious what we’re doing. With another woman, I don’t know if I could have gotten off like this, but with Saoirse it doesn’t matter. Her tight, wet pussy feels so incredible that all I have to do is be inside of her, and I’m close to coming. Just the rocking motion of her atop me is enough to push me steadily to the brink.
