Page 43 of Irish Princess

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“Connor!” Saoirse yelps, but I’m already inside of her, plunging to the hilt, keeping her bent over as she grabs onto the wall for balance.

“We’ve been married less than twenty-four hours, and we’ve already gotten through the basic positions, princess. Keep it up, and I won’t have to fuck you much longer before you’re carrying my child.”

“Won’thaveto. That’s—fucking—rich—” Saoirse gasps out between thrusts as I pound my cock into her, all pretense of being careful with her newly initiated body gone. “You came not—five—minutes ago—and you’re—already—fucking—hard—”

“I’m just incentivized to get as much cum in you as I can, so I can stop doing this sooner,” I hiss, leaning forward. “Then you’ll have to get mediocre orgasms somewhere else.”

“Are you sure you won’t just murder whoever tries to touch me?” Saoirse wrenches around, her damp ponytail flying as she glares over her shoulder at me, her back arching to take more of my cock as I thrust into her. “You can’t stand me even laughing with someone. You’re going to let some other manfuckme?”

“After I’ve had my fill and you’ve had my baby. I won’t have any need for you then, beyond the paperwork we signed.” My voice is as vicious as hers, spitting out the words, but all I can think as she tosses her head and glares at me is that she looks so fucking hot it’s unbearable, her bikini pulled to one side as I fuck her swollen, well-used pussy, her hair bouncing and her perfect body arched in front of me, her round ass pressed against my hips. I’m already close, my balls tight and aching, and no woman has ever made me come this quickly in succession before.

It just pisses me off all the more that it’sherwho does this to me.

“We’ll see.” Saoirse’s ponytail swings again. “We’ll see when—you—come looking for me—and I’m full of—oh god—some other man’s cum.”

White hot rage seethes through me at that thought, and I grab her ponytail, pulling her hair back as I fuck her harder, slamming into her as hard as I can. “You didn’t even tell me to stop,” I hiss, leaning forward as I thrust, the pleasure so intense that it’s almost too good. “I shoved my cock in you right here out in the open, where anyone could see, and you didn’t even try to tell me no. You just took it. I bet you’re going to come too, aren’t you, princess?”

“No,” Saoirse pants, her gaze flicking wildly towards the door, and I rise up onto my toes, angling my cock as deeply into her as I can. She’s soaked, her own arousal and my cum from before coating my cock, and it’s so deliciously filthy that I know, deep down, that she’s right.

I’m going to go fucking insane thinking of her moaning and writhing like this for another man.

No. No, I’m going to get my fill, and then I’ll get tired of her, like any other woman. This is lust. It’s the newness of a novelty fuck. It’ll wear off, and then I won’t care.

God, I hope so.

“I’m not going to come,” she whimpers, even as her back arches and I feel her tighten around me, her fingers clawing against the wall. “I’m not, I’m not, I—oh god, fuckkk—”

Ifeelher biting back the moan as I plunge into her, feel her entire body clenching around me as her back arches deeply and she grinds backwards onto my cock, her third orgasm rippling down my cock until there’s not a damned thing I could do to keep myself from coming too. It feels too fucking good, and I clench my own teeth to keep quiet as I thrust into her all the way, feeling my cock throb as I release another climax into her, one that feels every bit as powerful as the first.

I let every drop spill into her, holding her in place until my cock is starting to soften, even with the risk of someone coming in. Then I pull out, tucking my cock back into my swim trunks, and take my hand off of her back. Saoirse straightens instantly with venom on her lips, but I grab her around the waist before she can speak, tugging her bikini bottoms back into place for her and patting her right between the thighs, directly on her pussy.

“Don’t you dare think about cleaning up,” I whisper in her ear. “I want every drop of my cum in you for the rest of the night.”


“So help me god, Saoirse, I will pin you up against this wall with my fingers so far inside of you you’ll be able to taste it, if that’s what it takes.” I glare down at her, bending to graze my lips over hers. “My cum stays inside of you,” I murmur, and I feel her shiver.

I pull back, grinning. “You really are a horny little princess,” I tell her cheerfully, and as she glowers up at me, I pat her once more between her legs, watching her flush deepen to a cherry red.

“I—” She can’t seem to get a word out, her face burning, her hands in fists. So she turns on her heel, fleeing out of the mudroom as I stand there, still humming with the pleasant afterglow of two orgasms and the lingering enjoyment of having pissed Saoirse O’Sullivan—now McGregor—thoroughly off.

Maybe marriage won’t be so bad after all.



My second night as a married man goes about how I expected it would with Saoirse as my bride, spitfire that she is. She avoided me as much as possible for the rest of the party, flushing every time our eyes met, and studiously looked out of the window on the ride back to the hotel, refusing to so much as glance in my direction—a repeat of our ridetothe party, but for entirely different reasons.

We’re supposed to stay at the hotel a second night—a mini honeymoon of sorts—until everything is set up for our temporary rental tomorrow. Once I can wrest the family estate back from my brother we’ll set up there, as we’re meant to, but for now we’ll be staying in an apartment downtown.

Saoirse goes immediately into the bathroom when we get back to the hotel, and I hear the sound of the shower turning on. She stays in there for quite some time, and when she comes out, in soft-looking sleep pants and a tank top, she stalks directly past me to her side of the bed, pulls the covers over her, and rolls over to go to sleep.

Not a word, from the second she stalked out of the mudroom.

I let out a sigh, loud enough for her to hear, but go and shower myself, opting to leave her alone. As much as I enjoyed wrestling orgasms out of her earlier today, I wouldn’t actually take any pleasure in literally forcing her to have sex with me, and besides, I’ve already come in her twice.

The goal, I remind myself, is to get her pregnant as quickly as possible. Once that’s accomplished, I’ll be free to look elsewhere for pleasure, and I’ll remember the enjoyment that comes with the chase, a new woman to fuck, to explore, to learn and then say a polite goodbye to as I move on to the next. I’ll remember why I’ve chosen not to tie myself down to one woman—particularly one with whom my future is as entwined as Saoirse.
