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Chapter One

The bouquet tumbled end over end through the air. Ylara tried to get out of the way, but she was elbowed into the path of the projectile. Her hands went out, and she stopped the beribboned missile from hitting the floor.

The fragrant lodestone sat in her hands, and the ladies at the party congratulated her. Ylara looked around wildly for what she was supposed to do next. Sabine toasted her from her solo position at one of the tables near the doors, her crutches leaning against her table.

Vallu was laughing, and she approached. “Sorry, Ylara. It’s legally binding. You are the next one to get married.”

Ylara blinked. “Married?”

Vallu stroked her cheek. “Married. There are several good candidates here, so you might want to shop while you are at the mall. Your heat will mean that the more suitable candidates have been alerted and will be buzzing around. Just pick one, and see if you like him.”

Ylara whispered, “He’s not a patron.”

“I know, but he could be a lover. Give him a shot. Take this into your own hands. You choose.”

Ylara looked around and spotted the men who had focused on her. “I don’t want to choose.”

“If you don’t, they will. Call me if you need me. Etgar’s tail indicates he is impatient.” Vallu grinned. “I am going to head out for our honeymoon. Have fun.”

Ylara looked at the men who had gotten to their feet and were approaching with predatory gazes and flared nostrils. Vallu and Etgar left the party, and Ylara bolted out for a trip to the restroom. Bouquet in hand.

She used the toilet, washed her hands, and gripped the flowers. She was hoping the scent deadened the smell of her heat, but she doubted it. When she left the ladies’ room, she was sure of it. Riithan, the green male, and Denier were all grinning at her.

Riithan smiled at her, his smooth and handsome—bordering on pretty—features. “Ylara, you seem to have been the winner in that contest.”

She looked at the bouquet and then at them. “I don’t want to win.”

“You are in heat, little omega. We are willing to share you, and you can choose the order of which alpha you will accept first and last.”

Ylara looked at them. They were all quite confident, relaxed, and grinning at her as if she had no choice.

She looked to the left and right, saw Sabine down the hall, and got the kernel of an idea.

She put her hand with the flowers up and said, “Excuse me for a minute. I need to think this over.”

“We will give you ten minutes.” Riithan stroked her cheek. “Don’t run, little omega. We will find you, and while you may enjoy it when we do, it will be a shock to the system.”

“Okay. I am not a serial anything. I don’t want all three of you.”

He chuckled. “But you will have us unless there is another option.”

“Right. Hold this.” She shoved the bouquet at him and headed into the depths of the building, looking back often to see if they followed her. Once she was in the supply closet, she made a few calls, and after the first one to Vallu, she knew what she had to do.

Her second call was to Brittany, and her third was to Sabine.

Then, Ylara just had to wait while the vision she saw when the three alphas confronted her began to take place. The vision had been blurry. Everything hung on what her friend and sister were willing to do and who they picked.

She sniffled as she briefed them, and she watched them take charge. Brit hugged her and took a bit of saliva to change her shape. She opened the door looking like Ylara, and she ran at full tilt through the hall to draw Denier away. He would know about the switch the moment he got near her. He was occasionally one of Ylara’s patrons at the BDC. He knew her scent better than she did, and he would know that the running Ylara wasn’t going into heat.

Sabine leaned on her heavily, and they walked back toward the ballroom when Riithan and the green one blocked their path.

Sabine told her to choose. The futures she had seen blurred together, and suddenly, things became clear.

Ylara straightened and walked up to Riithan. “Are my ten minutes up yet?”

The green man walked up to Sabine and offered his arm. She grimaced and took it, moving slowly toward the ballroom before Ylara turned back to Riithan. “This isn’t the way I first saw it, but it is clear now. This is the way things will be.”

He smiled slowly. “Is that so?”
