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Riithan sighed, pulled Ylara’s chair around, and he kissed her, rubbing his fingers on her mark. She gasped and moaned into his mouth.

He started thrumming, and she turned toward him to make heavy contact with him. His tail came around and acted as an extra hand to hold her to him. There was a girlish giggle from Ylara’s niece as she reached up to hold onto him. When she heard the deeper laughter from his father, she pulled back and gasped. “That got out of hand.”

He chuckled. “I wasn’t using my hand.”

She felt a light scrape and was being pulled into the air and deposited on his lap. She was facing him, his stinger pulled itself from her dress, and his tail pushed her to him again.

“Bossy.” She sighed and pressed her forehead to his.

Salat exhaled. “The last time I saw someone on the end of that tail, they were foaming blood a moment later.”

She reached up and caressed the tail above her head. She chuckled. “It likes me.”

Riithan smiled and kissed her softly. “It really does.”

He was thrumming again.

His father said, “What the hell is that?”

Riithan lifted his head, and he smiled. “The scorpion is trying to convince her to dance.”

Himera giggled. “I wondered if that wasn’t what that was. I haven’t heard it before, and now, you have a mate in your lap, and you make a new sound.”

Ylara hid her face on the side of Riithan’s neck. “I forgot your parents were here.”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry. They do way worse.”

“Not comforting.”

“If Mom’s happy enough, you are going to see a demonstration in the shuttle.”

She murmured, “Shuttle?”

“That’s how we got here so fast. How did you get here?”

“I have no idea.”

Salat filled in, “We called a shadow walker to bring you. It’s not everyone who is delivered via reaper.”

“Etgar knows a lot of shady people.”

Riithan started to laugh under her. His tail caressed her spine. “Rephrase that, princess.”

She snorted. “Oh, yeah. Forgot about that. I stand by it.”

Salat chuckled. “So do you, sis.”

“Oh. Right. Forgot about that, too.”

Khytten snickered. “Being guarded by assassins is a great place to be unless you are naked. Then things get all weird.”

Ylara turned her head to look at the grinning couple and their best friend.

Dr. Torenne laughed and ruffled Khytten’s hair.

Ylara blinked. “Hey, doc, were you here when I came in?”

“No, and I wouldn’t have been able to help. When I checked on you, your cellular structure was already beyond my repair.”
