Page 26 of Dark Obsession

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Before I knew it, she grabbed for my gun inside my jacket. Pulling it free, she placed it right in the face of the guy in front of her.

“Don't know who the fuck you think you are, but not fucking today, Satan. I won't have you fucking hunt me,” she bites out and starts to open fire. I pull for my other gun as more men appear. Screaming for my team, they all appear, and a shoot out begins.

Brenyn though, she is storming toward the car that Eric is sitting in. I watch in slow motion as he gets out of the car and stands before her. She raises the gun to meet his eyes as she stalks forward toward him. He has his own gun resting on his thigh that is pulled up behind him, resting on the door of the car.

“I told you I was done... Do you fucking need a lesson in listening?” she yelled in his face. She fired the gun into the back window behind him. He didn't even flinch. The little piss bag inside the car though, he ducked, holding his head in his hands.

“I’ll see you around, sugar.” He winked at her. He fucking winked at her.

“Not unless you want to die...” she spat back, firing more bullets into his car until the clip was empty. His laughter broke around the echo of bullets and his beady eyes shone with promise.

“The game has just started...” he seethed. As I reached her, his little driver finally grew a pair, pulled his hands from his head and opened fire out of the shattered window and into the air around us. I watched as the bullets ripped through her body.

It was that moment that would eternally haunt me. My mind would be forever branded with the pain of her body falling to the cold, hard unforgiving concrete.

A nightmare that would eternally haunt me as hundreds of gunshots rang out but I heard nothing but the sound of my own screams. “NO!” I shouted with everything in me as the sound of shots ricocheted off metal and glass, ringing with screams that echoed through the garage around me, not realizing they were coming from me. My team of bodyguards all fired more. A black SUV pulled up fast, skidding to a stop. The screeching tires echoing around me. Me not knowing who was with me or against me. So many men all running, screaming and shooting. What the fuck. How did they find me? How did he find her? How did he know she was with me? Questions all running through my mind and all I wanted to do was get to her. She had fallen hard. Blood was pooling around her. I was only a few strides from her when she ran toward him. Why did it feel so fucking far away?

Bullets were fucking flying everywhere, decorating the cars and walls with holes. Opening fire, with the only gun I had left, I laced the SUV in front of me with bullets that recoiled off the steel, breaking through the tinted glass. Eric was long gone, and in his place were his piss bags that thought they would get power by taking out the notorious Killian Kinahan or Brenyn Walsh.

Four men opened fire back at me, one hitting my shoulder blowing that out. Another my thigh. I stumbled and screamed as two of my men tried to cover me as best as they could, but an endless stream of bullets kept coming at us from all directions. I felt a burning sting graze my other shoulder and then again at the side of my stomach, taking my breath away. I stumbled and screamed out, pushing through and toward my little lamb.

Blood was flying everywhere, not knowing if it was theirs or mine. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, throbbing through my bloodstream. Taking over every inch of my body. My heart pounded against my chest. “Boss you alright?” I heard Jona yell out as I fall to my knees at her side.

“Please, God!” I begged to a God I had no right asking to help a monster like me. This was my fault. I did this. No one else but me. She was an innocent soul in all of this mayhem. It was my lifestyle that lead to this. Getting caught in the crossfire of the life of Killian Kinahan, a monster who didn’t deserve any type of happiness. I knew I was being punished for the choices I made. The lives I had taken. “Fuck, little lamb.” My voice was deathly quiet. Not knowing where to touch her, there was blood everywhere, splattered on her features, she was drenched in red. “Little lamb,” I murmured, finding it hard to breathe. I reached for her, grabbing her hand in a comforting gesture. A whimper escaped her lips. Her eyes shut from the excruciating pain I was sure she was experiencing. “Brenyn, it’s okay. I’m here. You’re going to be okay.” My voice broke. “Stay with me, little lamb. Stay with me.” I gently wrapped my arms around her upper torso, pulling her body into mine. Pain ripped through me, my own bullet holes burning with each movement. Blood gushed from her chest and stomach. Seeping into every fiber of my fucking soul. I leaned back against the car pulling her with me, ignoring the sting of my own wounds. I leaned against it as I held her in my arms. Screaming for Trevor to get someone.

“Fuck, man. Trev… someone please, someone fucking help us,” I screamed. Uncontrollable tears streamed down my face, falling on her body beneath me. Shuddering, my body shook as profusely as hers. I held her so tight, so close to my fucking heart. I needed to feel her heartbeat against my chest. She coughed up blood, her body convulsing in my arms. I held her closer, kissing all over her bloody face. Chaos was all around me as I held her. Her eyes locked on mine as she shook inside my arms. My bodyguards held in their earpieces, yelling orders. Sirens were getting closer. “You hear that, little lamb. Help is coming. You fucking stay with me, ok?” I begged, her pain gripping at my core causing white dots to form at the edges of my eyes. “Trevor, Jona… fuck anyone, help me! Please! I’m fucking fading, Trevor, help me, man. Help me save her.” I looked back down at her, grabbing the back of her head, holding her tight against my chest. Trying to keep her body from shaking in my arms. I trembled holding her. Her eyes locked on mine. I smiled down at her. “Little lamb, I got you.” I lowered my mouth to kiss her bloody lips. Pulling back slightly, her breaths were growing shallow. My mind knew this was it. I was losing her. She was going to die inside my arms on a cold garage floor with crimson blood smeared all over her uniquely beautiful features. Her hand moved slowly, shakily toward my face. Her fingertips sticky with blood and slightly cold.

“I’m sorry. I never wanted to start a war.” She trembled and her hand fell from my face tumbling down. My world went black and the monster inside me broke free coming to life.

My lips brushed over hers as the ambulance arrived.

“I will find you inside the dark, little lamb. Wait for me.”

To be continued
