Page 14 of Edith's Orc

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Cal freezes across from me. “I’ve never been able to reach them. With the shock from the collar, they can keep any life form from attacking them.”

“Mm. Maybe,” I agree. My mind is already thinking about attacking them all at the same time.

And what happens if there isn’t a collar on someone? Would they have a chance? “So you’ve never been without your collar.”

I watch as his hand reaches up, but instead of going toward my mouth as I expect, he lifts my chin gently before brushing my hair to the side. His hand lingers, rubbing some of my dark hair between his fingers as if he’s fascinated. The touch is clinical, but I break out in goosebumps, confused about what I’m feeling.

My aura is reacting to his, causing a tingle of sensation to move down my chest, tightening my nipples and making me wonder what the hell is going on. I’ve never had this kind of response to anyone I’ve dated. In fact, it’s been an ongoing struggle to even find anyone I’m attracted to, something I’ve chalked up to knowing everyone too well. When you interact with all the same people from the time you’re a child, it’s highly unlikely you’ll spontaneously have your feelings turn into something more serious.

“I’ve had this collar on my entire life. I was born here.”

I almost miss what he’s saying as his other hand traces the metal around my neck. “If there was a way to remove them, I’d have found it. It’s impossible to bend, and even beating it against rocks hasn’t damaged it.”

I picture him slamming a rock into his neck, carefully trying not to miss and gouging himself. Terrible!

Abruptly, he pulls away, picking up another piece of food from the bed beside me. “Open for me.”

He growls out the command, and the sound vibrates over my nerves before it’s translated. Something about it has me parting my lips, ready to do anything he instructs.

I lean toward him, watching the way he stares.

“I’m very strong. You don’t need to doubt my skills. I’ve killed more Prashe than any other Gladiator. Their barbs are deadly, and they never run out of poison. But I evade them.”

Killed? The sweet taste dries in my mouth as I chew dutifully, watching the red energy deepen in color around his head. Even though I have no idea what kind of creature he’s talking about, I can imagine it’s bloody and gruesome. Not what I want to be thinking about while I’m eating.

And he’s a killer? Are these games to the death or something?

“There have been Tarkos who put a price on my head. Promising riches to anyone who takes me down. I gutted one of the Elite in a fair tournament here. He was cocky and overestimated his strength. There have been many who assume because they’re bigger, they will defeat me. I’ve conquered them all.”

The ring of finality in his growl has me nodding while visions of the fights my father insisted on both betting and fighting in dance through the surrounding darkness. I don’t even realize he’s still trying to feed me until he grabs my shoulder, shaking me slightly.

Blinking, I reach out for his forearm to keep myself from falling over. My head spins, and I can’t stop the moan that escapes as I try not to let the food I just ate come back up. As long as I don’t have to watch—and preferably not talk about it—I’m sure I can deal.

“Edith. Edith...” The rumble of his voice has me fighting to stay focused.

“I—I’m fine,” I assure him, letting my hand trail up and grip his upper arm. His skin is like smooth stone, hard and smooth under my palm. The lighter lavender of my energy is creeping along his darker purple, and I stare at the way the two energies combine, weaving a pattern between us.

“Do you mind if I just lay down for a moment?”

Before I realize what he’s doing, he’s moved the food from the bed, pulling me up and next to him on the mattress. “Could the food have done something to your body? I will punish them if they hurt you.”

He’s sweet, but instantly I’m wondering what he has in mind to punish our captors. Squeezing my eyes shut, I swallow back bile, commanding my weak stomach to suck it up.

I’m here. This is life for the moment, and I’m not about to give up yet.
