Page 33 of Edith's Orc

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Cal spins, staring at me with no expression for a moment, before frowning as he walks over to me. I think he’s going to apologize. Or at least apologize as much as he can, considering we can’t even communicate.

Instead, he stares at me with a totally expressionless face.

My temples throb, and I can feel a mega migraine coming on. Is he planning on fucking her now? Was I just a convenience? It’s not looking good.

My fists clench, and I let out a screech of frustration.What the hell?!

What does he think I am?Does he really think I’m going to just turn a blind eye while he fucks this Orcleen women?

I barely remember walking out the door. Running my hand down the icy wall, I retrace my steps, but instead of going into the Temple, I walk back to our room.

How can things go so wrong so quickly?My numb legs move on autopilot while I try not to cry.

There’s only one thing I know for sure: I’m not staying with a guy who’s not faithful. I don’t care if he’s the best fuck—by far—I’ve ever had. I have pride, and I deserve better.

Rushing around the room, I decide there isn’t anything I give a shit about. I can’t think anyway, and as tears obscure my vision, I give myself a pep talk.

You don’t need him.Who fucking cares if he’s the first man who’s ever totally accepted your gifts at face value? So what if I love the way his growls light me up between my legs?

I thought there would be more time to figure out the whole mating thing. To talk about commitment and love… and fucking faithfulness!

Walking out the door with nothing, I break into a jog, setting a brisk pace that won’t let me totally break down and sob.

I can bawl later. Right now, I’m getting back to the Dishif.

I’ll test the access to Earth, and make sure Nako can get home, too. He can’t stop me.
