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The idea that Faith could be mine permanently was almost too good to imagine. I turned and gave Morgan a hug. “I’ll give you the info on a new nurse.”

“Of course, you will. But don’t say goodbye to me just yet. Don’t you have some shopping to do?”

I heaved a breath. My heart feeling lighter than it had in ages. The chaos and conflict settling with that decision that wasn’t as difficult as I thought it’d be now that I’d actually made it.

“Yeah. I guess I do.”

Three days later, I checked into the Centennial Hotel in Seattle, Washington. I unpacked my clothes which consisted of my usual casual shit, plus one expensive suit. From my carry-on, I pulled out a small black velvet box and stuffed it in my jacket pocket, then I sent a text.

I’m here

The reply came quick. Meet me at the Charleston Bar & Grill in 15.

I nodded and went out.

Hawaiian rain came and went, with skies pouring and then becoming blue at the drop of a hat. Seattle in February was gray and drab, and the clouds looked as if they’d never leave.

Get used to it, pal.

Silas Marsh was waiting for me at a table tucked in the back of the restaurant, away from the windows. He looked elegant in slacks, a black turtleneck, and coat.

“Hey,” I said, shaking his hand. “Thanks for meeting me.”

“Of course. So…” A grin spread over his features. “You’re going to make an honest woman out of her, eh?”

A nervous laugh coughed out of me. “She still has to say yes. And forgive me for being an asshole.”

He nodded thoughtfully. “She’s been a little upset lately. Kind of all over the place.”

“My fault,” I said. “I shouldn’t have freaked out on her.”

“I think she was freaking out a little too. I can’t blame her. How I felt about Max…the enormity of it all was fucking terrifying. To hold someone’s heart and keep it safe? It’s a big responsibility, and I know she doubts herself.” He raised his eyes to mine. “I think she was trying to protect you as much as she was protecting herself by running back here. She was afraid of hurting you.”

I nodded. “That pretty much sums it up for me, too.”

“What finally did it?”

“What made me want to give up the island for her?”

“Couldn’t have been an easy decision,” Silas said, studying me, and I knew he was trying to pry into my soul to see if I could cut it or if I was going to break Faith’s heart in three or six or ten months down the road.

“I thought so too, but it feels right,” I said. “I thought I needed the island to heal, and I did for a long time. But I think maybe—with Faith’s help—I grew beyond that. It’s time to take the next step. For her. And for me too.”

Silas still appeared dubious, and I held up my hands.

“I’m not saying it’s a piece of cake to leave my family, but it’s not as impossible as I thought it would be. I have a feeling a lot of the misery we go through is because of the story we tell ourselves.” I shrugged. “You rewrite the story, and you get a different ending.”

“There’re going to be adjustments,” Silas said slowly.

I leaned over the table. “She’s it for me, man. If she wants to live in fucking Siberia, I’ll do it.”

Silas relaxed a little, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Can I see it?”

I pulled the velvet box out of my pocket and slid it across the table. Silas opened it, and I studied his expression, hoping I hadn’t fucked up.

“Dammit to hell.” Silas blew out his cheeks and dabbed his eyes with a napkin.

I let out another short, nervous laugh. “Good?”

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