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Chapter Fifteen

I woke, disoriented, and with a raging hard-on. The room was dark and unfamiliar, and the erotic dreams about Faith I’d had last night were still lingering. Then a figure in bed beside me stirred, and I blinked fully awake.

“Hey, you,” Faith purred, pressed up against me and gloriously naked. “Good morning.”

It all rushed back in, and a profound relief flooded me that it wasn’t a dream. I was here, with her.

“Hey,” I said, stroking her hair that was messy from having my hands in it all night. “You been up long?”

“For as long as you have,” she said, indicating my erection that tented the sheet. “I’ve been waiting impatiently for you to wake up so I can have my way with you.”

I pushed myself up to sit against the hotel headboard. “You don’t need to wait for me to wake up,” I said, my voice rougher with need than anything else now. “Don’t let me stop you.”

Faith shook her head, fingertips trailing over my chest. “Consent, my darling. It goes both ways.”

I chuckled. “I appreciate that, but you don’t need a permission slip from me.”

She smiled slyly and pulled back the sheet. “Let’s just take it one salacious interlude at a time, shall we?”

I laughed, and the laugh turned into a hiss as she wrapped her luscious mouth around my cock and began to suck.

“Fuck…” I gritted out. “Faith…”

I lay back against the pillows while she worked me over, her mouth warm and wet, her teeth grazing lightly until I was ready to combust.

“I planned for just this,” she said after a few moments, sitting up. “But I’m too selfish.”

She swung her leg, straddling me, hands on my shoulders. Taking control. Her confidence and ease in her own body was so fucking hot, I could hardly restrain myself. She leaned in, her tongue flicking over my lips, and I craned to kiss her. She allowed me a taste while reaching between us and pressing my tip against her entrance, brushing my cock back-and-forth, teasing, torturing.

“Faith…” I warned.

“Always so ready for you,” she breathed, slicking the length of me with her arousal. “Always…”

My chest tightened and I gripped her hips. “Jesus Christ…”

“If you want me, firefighter…” She returned her hands to my shoulders, bracing herself. “Then take me.”

With a muttered curse, I brought her down on me while driving up at the same time. She arched her back into that thrust, head thrown, and let out an X-rated moan. Watching her take me inside her nearly undid me but I restrained myself from complete animal abandon. A few slow, deep thrusts and then we fell into a rhythm. Faith rode me, forehead pressed to mine. My world eclipsed to a heated delirium that was just her, grabbing and grasping at her smooth, silky flesh, trying to cram two months of separation into the four days I had left here.

And that’s how we spent the rest of the morning.

We ordered room service at nine but couldn’t keep our hands off each other long enough to eat it. I licked honey off her tits, then went down on her until her cries made the neighbor bang the wall.

We took a shower, and I had her again as water streamed off her body in rivulets, hot and wet.

An eleven a.m. checkout forced us to take a break. We dressed and went to her place, a sleek condo in a rich neighborhood. It all looked like city sameness to me—cement, noise, too many people.

“Shall I give you the tour?” Faith asked, inside her place that had views of the skyline, light streaming in from huge windows.

“Sure,” I said, pulling her in close. “Start with the bedroom.”

The rest of the day was a blur of heated hours in her bed, takeout food, and talking. I liked talking to Faith as much as I liked fucking her, if not more. She made me laugh harder than I could remember, and I didn’t feel bottled up around her. I was myself—or closer to whatevermyselfwas—when I was with her. As if my own damn skin fit me better.

Monday morning, we put clothes on—flannel sleep pants for me, a flimsy silk slip for her—and managed to keep them on while we sipped coffee in her spacious kitchen that was all stainless steel and white marble. Faith called into her work to take a few personal days.

“That felt strange,” she said, setting her phone back on the counter. “I used to take personal days when a new club opened or when Saks had a sale.”

“Then don’t take it,” I said. “I don’t want to interfere.”
