Page 3 of Just for You

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This was probably a terrible idea, but there was no turning back, not with Macy’s words in the front of my mind as he led me through the main shop and up the stairs. I gripped his hand tighter, and the horrible, empty feeling in my chest didn’t hurt quite as much.

He opened the door to the large studio apartment, holding it open for me. I walked in and it was as I’d imagined, not exactly clean, but not a total mess. I shoved my clammy hands in my pockets and looked around. There were sketches on the kitchen table, tattoo designs he was obviously working on for his clients. A few dishes were stacked by the sink, and the leather couch had some of his clothes tossed over it.

My gaze slid to the big bed against the wall. It was unmade, the covers haphazardly pulled up.

“Drink?” Manic asked and strode to the fridge.

“Um, yeah, okay.”

He grabbed two beers, set them on the coffee table, then sat on the couch, thighs wide, one muscled arm along the back.

I didn’t move.

As much as I wanted to be the wild, super confident girl he saw me as, for some reason, Manic made me incredibly nervous.

He watched me stand there and fidget for several seconds, and I did the same, watching him, because no matter how nervous I was, I couldn’t take my eyes off him.

“Come here, Addison,” he finally said into the quiet room.

His voice was low, full of grit, and he wasn’t asking. I shivered at the hot demand. He knew I wanted to get closer to him, and he was making it easier on me.

Pull it together.

I could act like a frightened deer, or I could make the most of this—of him. “I’m nervous,” I said, and saying it out loud made it lessen somehow.

He stayed where he was, sprawled on the couch, all big and muscled and tattooed and glorious. “Why?”

I took a calming breath and walked toward him. He followed my every move. “Because we’ve been dancing around this thing between us for months now, and I’ve had time to…to think about it.”

“You been imagining what it’ll be like when I finally fuck you, Adds?”

My mouth went dry, but I refused to shy away from any part of this. “Yes.”

“You do that with your fingers in your pussy?” he asked with a lot more growl in his voice, but his expression remained unchanged.

Oh god. Butterflies exploded in my belly, and the throb deep inside intensified. “Yes,” I whispered.

“You want a know how many nights I’ve thought of you with my fist wrapped around my dick?”

His eyes were burning so hot I was positive I could feel his gaze moving over my skin. I licked my lips and nodded, my heart going crazy in my chest.

“Try every fucking night since you danced up on me at Mase’s welcome-home party. I wanted you that night, but you weren’t feeling it. What’s changed?”

I was right in front of him now. He spread his thighs wider, making room for me. All I had to do was step forward. “I was feeling it, but you’re kind of intimidating, Manic.”

“Levi,” he said. “Call me Levi when I’m about to kiss that hot fucking mouth for the first time.”

Holy shit.“Okay…Levi.”

He moved, and it was quick. One moment I was standing there, and the next, he’d gripped my hips and lifted me onto his lap, forcing me to straddle his thighs. I was panting now and sucked in a breath when his fingers flexed against my hips. “Been waiting a long fucking time for a taste of you, Addie.”

He was hard beneath me, his erection straining against the front of his worn jeans, and I couldn’t stop myself from pressing down. He made a rough sound, grabbed the side of my throat, and pulled me forward. The second his mouth took mine, my body exploded into flames. I gripped his shoulders, his beard tickling me as he opened his mouth, forcing mine to do the same, and slid his tongue deep inside. He tasted of mint and beer, and I couldn’t get enough.

His other arm curled around my waist, holding me to him in a tight grip. There was no way I could move, not that I wanted to, and for the next few minutes, Manicownedmy mouth. He kissed me like he couldn’t get enough either, as if he had a right to do it as long and hard and deep as he wanted, as if he would starve without my mouth pressed against his.

The hand gripping my waist slid higher, and he cupped my breast with a groan. I shifted restlessly against him, hot and achy. I’d been ready for him while we were still at the party. I’d been ready for him for months, and now that I’d decided to break my five-year dry spell, I didn’t want to wait.

I pulled my mouth from his, and he kept hold of me, not letting me get far. “I need you,” I said, my lips brushing his.
