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River leaned down and brushed a soft kiss against her lips. “Once you get moved in with us, it will be like this every night if you want. One or all of us will sleep in here with you. Or you can sleep alone.”

“I sleep so much better when you are with me. For a while I’d like all of you.”

“We can do that, baby.” Rock crawled up from the foot of the bed and leaned over her. He took her lips in a deep kiss.

Angie wrapped her arms around his neck and threaded her fingers through his soft red-brown hair. It was just a little long, more than enough to bury her hand in.

Rock reached down and pulled her shirt over her head. She lay there on the bed naked with all four men looking at her, their eyes filled with lust and something more.

“You’re so beautiful,” Rock whispered and took her lips again. He kissed her until they were both breathless. “We all want you tonight,” he said against her lips. “Unbutton my shirt.”

Angie moved her hands from his hair and started undoing the buttons down the front of his shirt.

Sawyer, River, and Hunter jumped off the bed and removed their clothes, then got back in the bed with her and Rock.

“You need to take your jeans off,” Angie told Rock after she finished unbuttoning his shirt and pushed it down his shoulders. He lifted off her, and she undid the button and zipper on his jeans.

Rock sat up long enough to push his jeans down his legs and throw them over the side of the bed. He switched places with Angie, putting her on top of him. Sawyer and Hunter were on each side of her, and River moved behind her.

Rock lifted her, and she helped him ease inside her. She slowly slid down until he was fully sheathed inside her.

“We’ve missed having you here,” River said, his mouth brushing the nape of her neck.

“We’ll be able to do this as often as you want when you are living with us.” Sawyer picked up one of her hands and wrapped it around his cock.

“Todd can still stay with Dustin if he wants, and maybe Dustin can spend some time here with him.” Hunter leaned in and started brushing kisses along her shoulder and down to the top of her breast.

All four men were touching her. Angie closed her eyes and just let herself feel. She’d never imagined being with more than one man, but these four made her life complete. She didn’t know what she’d do without them.

Chapter Sixteen

The next few days the men were scheduled at the fire station. While they were at work Angie packed a few things from the house while Todd was at school during the day.

She was loading her car one day, getting ready to pick up Todd, when she noticed a car driving slowly down the street. She didn’t think much of it until she saw the same car drive by Todd’s school while she waited to pick him up. The windows were dark, and she couldn’t see who was driving.

She watched it drive by a few more times, and then Todd was getting in the car and she didn’t think anything more about it.

Angela was busy listening to Todd tell her about his day and didn’t pay attention to the car behind her. She was driving and talking when she felt the hit. She looked up in the rearview mirror to see the same car she’d seen earlier behind her, and it was speeding up.

“Hold on, Todd,” she screamed and stomped her foot on the accelerator. The car lurched forward, and she saw the distance between her and the car behind her increase.

“Todd, I want you to get my phone out of my purse and dial 911. Can you do that for me?” Angie said, trying to be calm and not scare him.

He started to undo his seat belt. “No, baby, I need you to stay belted in. Can you reach it without taking your belt off?”

“Yeah, I’ll try,” Todd answered and started squirming around to reach Angie’s purse which was under her feet.

“Just be careful, honey.” Angie tried to watch Todd and where she was going and look in the mirror to see what the car behind her was doing.

“Got it!” Todd said, holding the phone up.

“Great. Now sit back up. Do you know how to turn it on?” Angie didn’t let Todd play with her phone often.

“Yeah. What do I call?” Todd was looking at the phone.

“Nine-one-one for an emergency. Remember I told you if I was hurt or you were in trouble and need help?”

“Yeah. Ms. Jean told us that, too.” Todd dialed the phone.
