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Jenna would find out tonight how Kyle was at the club and what kind of “master” he was. Tonight was the night she would finally go back to the club and get to experience it for herself.

Kyle had brought over a package earlier. “Wear this,” he said. As she went to open the package, he pulled her close and whispered in her ear, “Look after I leave. It’s a surprise.” Then he kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth, and her knees went weak…again. When he was kissing her or touching her, she would do anything…anything, and not even think twice. He was the best kisser she had ever dated, and she was sure he knew it.

Now for the package. She hadn’t had a gift from a man in a long time. It was probably clothes, since he had said “wear this,” but in such a small package it couldn’t be much…maybe some sexy underwear to wear under her clothes…maybe jewelry. Only one way to find out…open it!

Jenna opened the package and found a lavender baby-doll negligee and matching thong. That’s all. The negligee was backless and of course, so was the thong. When she had these on, she would be basically naked down her back. Jenna wondered if she was to wear this under some other garment. She definitely could not go out in public just wearing this. She would have nothing on her back but two strings and the thong. She needed to call Sadie. She would know what to do.

After Sadie finished laughing, she explained that it was lingerie night at the club and everyone, including her, would be wearing similar clothing or less and just to make sure she had a jacket to wear over it between her apartment and the car, and the car and the club, and she would be fine. Jenna actually had a trench coat that would work…so no worries there. But how could she walk about the club in just this? Her backside would be totally exposed to everyone there. She had the feeling she would be looking for walls to stand against.

Per Kyle’s instructions, she showered and shaved everywhere and started to get ready. He was going to pick her up at 8pm and she was to be ready. After bathing, she put the negligee on and she was right, totally backless except for the string around her neck and the other one that went across the middle of her back. The waistband from the thong made the third string and her back was naked. Should she put the jacket on now, or would Kyle want to see first? If he did, she could take it off. She felt too naked to even walk around her own apartment like this. How was she ever going to walk around the club?

Kyle arrived promptly at eight and she let him in. He gave her a slight disapproving look when he saw the jacket and shook his head.

“I want to see,” was all he said.

Slowly, Jenna undid the belt and let the jacket fall open. “All of it,” he growled, pushing the jacket off her shoulders to pool at her feet. “Nice, very nice, baby,” he breathed as he turned her back to him. Running one hand over her back, he reached around and cupped both her breasts and licked the back of her neck. “Beautiful. I knew you would be,” he said, squeezing both breasts and pinching her nipples. Jenna felt a gush of liquid between her legs. Thankfully, he was holding her, or she would have been on the floor. “If I don’t stop now, we will never make it to the club. I could take you right here. You are too beautiful to waste. Very nice, baby.” He took her mouth in a bruising kiss. “Let’s go.”

He helped her with her jacket, took her keys and escorted her out, locking her door and pocketing her keys. On their usual dates, Kyle drove, but tonight there was a limo waiting. Jenna looked at him with a question on her face. “I didn’t want to have to concentrate on driving tonight. I knew you would be too beautiful to make that possible.” He knew how to say the right thing. She wondered if she was the only one he said things like that to. Jenna just smiled and slid into the car as he opened the door for her.

“Ben, drive for a bit, I will tell you when we are ready,” he said to the driver as he slid in behind her. He put up the partition between the seats, giving them a little privacy. “Now,” he said, turning to her, “we need to talk about rules and protocols.”

Okay, she thought, probably a good start. She was very curious as to what was going to happen, and rules would help.

“First,” he said. “Like I told you the other day, you will address me as Sir or Master, nothing else whenever we are in the club. Do you understand?”

Jenna nodded.

“No,” he said, “I want you to say it. Say yes, Master or yes, Sir.”

So she said, “Yes, Sir.”

“Very good,” he said and rewarded her with a kiss. “Good behavior will be rewarded and bad behavior will be punished.” Punished, she thought, She wondered what he would do to punish her. Did she want to find out?


?Next, while in the club, you will keep your eyes down at all times. You are not to look at anyone, including me, unless I give you permission. Understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“You are going to be so good at this. You are so beautiful in your submission. I knew you would be a natural.” He turned and sat with his back to the door, sitting sideways in the seat, and pulled her into the V of his legs. He reached around her to undo her jacket and play with her breasts, squeezing and pulling at the tips, making her hotter than she already was. Wondering if she would even make it to the club before she had her first orgasm of the night, Jenna felt a gush of fluid between her legs. She didn’t think she would if he kept this up.

“Also, while in the club, you are not to speak to anyone, including me, without my permission. Only speak if I tell you to. Understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she answered, trying it out to see how it felt. Jenna wasn’t sure she was ready to start calling him Master, so she went back to Sir.

“Even if you see Sadie, you are not to speak to her without my permission.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Next, do not touch anything or anyone without my consent. “ Touch anyone. Did he think she was going to go around feeling people up?

“Yes, Sir.”

“Since it is your first time, I’m sure you will have lots of questions and will see lots of things you don’t understand. Try not to react to these things. When we are in a private room, I will explain everything to you and answer any questions you may have. Do not ask others. Wait for my explanation.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Jenna, you will do fine as long as you remember everything I’ve told you. Because it is your first time, I won’t punish you too hard for making a few mistakes, but you will be punished, so try very hard. I know you will try hard, because I know you want to do this for me and our relationship. I love you for trying this for us. Baby, you will be fine. Just remember, keep your eyes down and don’t talk unless I say so.” He trailed his hand down her stomach to her mound and, reaching under the thong, parted her lips and ran his fingers up and down her pussy, feeling the juices there.
