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“Well you did, what do you think I should do about it?” Kurt asked her, standing with his hands crossed over his chest.

Oh shit, oh shit, she thought, what the hell did I start now? “I said I’m sorry,” she said a little too belligerently.

“And that’s supposed to make it all better?” His tone was really sharp now.

“What else do you want me to do?” Her tone was still snarky.

Kevin had been listening to the exchange and decided it was time to start her punishment. Taking his hand away from her crack, he hauled back and smacked her a good one. Leaving a red handprint behind.

“Ouch,” she screamed. “That fucking hurt.”

Laughing, Kevin asked, “Was it supposed to feel good?”

“Just fucking get on with it,” she snapped back at him. She was so going to be paying for this. She really wasn’t in the position to be antagonizing them. One of these days, she would learn to keep her mouth shut.

Kurt had gone back to the toy chest and came back with several things. “Because you have decided to be so mouthy, I think we need to ramp things up a little, what do you think, bro?” he asked Kevin.

“This is your scene, I’ll go along with whatever you think she deserves.”

Kurt showed Kevin and Tina what he had in his hands. Nipple clamps, a medium-sized butt plug, and a large vibrator.

Kevin came around beside her and they each knelt down on either side of her and took a breast in their mouth. Licking and sucking on the nipples until they were hard little peaks and she was writhing and moaning, they each let go with a pop and applied the clamps.

“I know this is your first time using these, but because you have been so mouthy, I’m going to tighten them a little more than I normally would. Next time you’ll think before you mouth off to me or my brother,” Kurt said with an evil grin.

Why couldn’t she have kept her mouth shut or pissed off Kevin? She knew Kurt was the more sadistic of the two and playing with him was like playing with fire.

“Oh my God!” she screamed when they tightened the clamps. Her nipples were going to fall off. What she didn’t know was that it hurt even worse when the clamps came off.

“Now, Kevin’s going to put the plug in your ass, and I’m going to lie under you and use the vibe. You are not to come until you are given permission by me. Do you understand?” He was still using that very stern tone. She had really pulled the lion by the tail this time.

“After he gets the plug in, he will start warming you up. We’ll start with twenty spanks to get things going.” Her ass was going to be so sore when they were done. She needed to remember to find a pillow to take to work tomorrow for her office chair.

Kurt crawled into position underneath her and started the vibe. At the same time he touched her clit with the vibe, Kevin let her have the first swat.

“Count for us, baby,” Kevin said from underneath her.

“Fuck, one!” she cried out.

“Next time without the cuss word. We start again,” Kevin answered.




“Two, shit!”

“Try it again. Every time you say a cuss word, we start over again, and although I have to be in court in the morning, Kurt does not and he will be glad to stay here all night with you if you need it. Back to one.”

Fuck, she really needed to watch her mouth. She thought Kevin was the one who would go easy on her, but he wasn’t now.

Tears running down her face, she took a deep breath. I must not cuss, I must not cuss, she kept repeating to herself and missed the next smack.

“I’m waiting…” Kevin said.

“One,” she said dejectedly.
