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ing shared by them.

When Kurt handed her over to Kevin, she just smiled and snuggled against him. “We still have a couple unanswered questions, angel. What bothered you about the clothing requirement?” Kurt asked, pulling one leg into his lap and putting the other on the dash. Kevin wrapped one arm around her just under her breasts, effectively immobilizing her.

“Well, at first the ‘no clothes’ thing bothered me, I’m not that attractive, and I could stand to lose a little weight, and the thought of people seeing me naked, well…anyway, I looked around and all the other subs were wearing way less than I was and…and I just decided to go for it. I will be naked for the rest of the classes. If people don’t like what they see, they don’t have to look again,” she said in a rush to get it all out.

Kevin and Kurt both felt their jaws drop. How could this beautiful angel think that she was unattractive? Her self-esteem would be something they were going to be working on.

“Angel, you are beautiful, and sexy, don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. If we had our way, you would be naked whenever you were with us. Don’t ever be ashamed of the gorgeous person you are, inside and out.” Kurt said and he lifted one foot and licked the arch.

“For the duration of the class, this body is ours and you will not speak badly of it. In the future, all disparaging and self-depreciating remarks will be punished. Do you understand?” Kevin asked as he reached down with his free hand and twisted a nipple.

“Ouch, yes I understand.” Her panties were going to be trash by the time she got home. Between what Kurt was doing to her feet, her feet, who knew, and Kevin twisting her nipple, her fluids were gushing. Sitting on Kevin’s lap, she was sure she was leaving a wet spot.

“From now on, angel, you will not wear any underwear in our presence. Whenever we are together you will be open and available for our touch. Only short skirts and blouses that button in the front will be worn. If you don’t have these things in your wardrobe, we will be glad to take you shopping. We are going to take you to get club wear, though don’t plan on wearing it long. We will also be buying you clothing we can rip off of you. There’s something very satisfying about tearing clothing off our woman.” Kurt told her with an evil grin on his face.

“And angel, we are not teasing. If you wear underwear, either a bra or panties when you are with us, I promise you Kurt and I will be glad to rip it off of you and then paddle your ass red until you can’t sit comfortably. Do you understand? Also, from now on, whenever we are alone together, or in the Club, you will call us Master followed by our first name or Sir. Any questions?” Kevin asked, pulling her nipples.

Tina shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip. She was so in the shit right now.

Kurt slid one hand up her leg to the juncture of her thighs. “You will answer all questions verbally. We may not be looking at you and need to hear you,” he said as he slid his hand to her waist and grabbed her panties. “Lift her,” he said to his brother and pulled the garment off.

“Okay, Sir,” Tina answered him, what had she gotten herself into?

Sitting her back in his lap, Kevin deftly removed her bra, handing it to his brother. He took her panties and they both pocketed their prizes.

“Hey, those were expensive, give ’em back,” Tina demanded.

Reaching in between her thighs, Kurt pinched her clit, hard. “How are you supposed to address us, angel?”

“Ouch, dammit that hurt, Sir! Now give me back my things!” she demanded.

“I think we need to jump ahead on our angel’s classes and take her home and bend her over the spanking bench for an hour or so, what do you think, bro?” Kurt asked with a sadistic look in his eyes.

“Okay, boys, enough fun, time to take the lady home. I’m done for the night,” Tina announced, struggling to free herself. She was getting pissed and needed to get away before she let them have it.

Completely ignoring her statement, Kevin sat her between them and fastened her seat belt. Not saying a word, he started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

Boy, I’ve really done it now, she thought. They are so pissed they aren’t even talking to me. Should I apologize or just go with it? Crossing her arms over her chest, she felt a tear slowly slide down her face. She just left the tear, she didn’t want to draw attention to it.

Kurt reached over and rubbed the tear away with his thumb. “Don’t cry, my angel, we’re not done,” he said softly, laying his hand on her thigh.

Chapter Three

Tina was looking down so she missed the look that passed between the two brothers, but the atmosphere in the truck changed. When she looked up, she didn’t recognize where they were. “Where are we?” she asked, confused.

“That’s another one, angel, we’re going to our place.”

“Guys, I really want to see your place, but I’m tired and just want to go home. Can we do this another time?” Were they seriously going to take her to their place and spank her? She had to be batshit crazy to go along with this.

“Angel, you will learn that when your Dom makes you a promise, he keeps it. You were promised a spanking and that is what you will be getting,” Kevin answered.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding, grown women don’t get spanked. I haven’t been spanked since I…well I don’t remember, it’s been so long. Take me home. Now!” If she could have stamped her foot she would have, but at just five feet tall, her feet didn’t reach the floor of the truck.

Both men just chuckled and Kevin kept driving. “Bro, we are going to have so much fun with this one. I think we may have found our match,” he said.

“Yep, a challenge for sure, but it is going to be fun taming her,” Kurt answered as he moved his hand up her thigh.

Tina slapped at his hand and demanded, “Take. Me. Home. And don’t talk about me like I’m not here. I didn’t sign up for this shit!”
