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“That’ll have to wait until after class tonight, I think our little one will have a red ass for her collaring tomorrow,” Kevin answered.

Tina struggled to sit up, but Kurt wasn’t having it. “You can just stay there until we are done talking to Mom and then we’ll take care of you,” he told her, the evil grin back on his face.

A little shiver ran down her back and she relaxed into the bed. This was where she belonged.

The men made their phone call, which ended with their mother promising to arrive within a few days to help plan the wedding.

Then they fulfilled their promise to fuck her until none of them could walk. Tina was barely recovered in time for the class.

The class was great and after, they all went to the bar in the Club. The men had brought Club wear for her so she quickly went to the locker room and changed. When she came out, she was wearing a royal blue demi-bra, with a lacy thong to match.

Jenna, Sadie, Theresa, Rachel, and Connie were all sitting at the bar, and their collective men were standing and talking not far away, Kevin and Kurt had joined them.

Tina joined the ladies and they all moved to a large table where they could sit and talk. It felt great to be part of the group and to get to know the women better. They all sat drinking water and talking about babies, as four out of the six were pregnant.

“When are you going to get that big lug Dean to collar you Connie?” Sadie asked.

Connie smiled and shrugged. “We’re pretty happy the way we are,” she answered and changed the subject.

Connie and Dean were doing a demo on orgasm denial that evening, and the group soon moved to watch them.

The next day was Saturday and they planned the collaring for after the class. The entire group was there and it was beautiful.

Tina was naked as per Club protocol and not at all self-conscious. The men pledged their love and protection to her and she pledged her obedience to them. After all was done, Dave, Evan, and Kyle, provided champagne for everyone and the party started.

After the partying was done, the men took Tina home and made love to her in the big bed in her room. She was in heaven.

Chapter Twenty

The next day Tina spent cleaning, even though it really wasn’t necessary. The men had a cleaning lady who came in once a week and for guys, they kept the place pretty neat. But she insisted. If she was going to meet their mother, the house was going to be clean.

The men helped where she would let them, but by the end of the day, they had had enough and went to check on her house. She was driving both of them crazy.

Finding nothing unusual at her house, they sat across the street and talked. While they were sitting there talking, they noticed a man acting weird.

“What’s up with that?” Kev asked Kurt as the man climbed an electric pole.

“I don’t know, get your camera phone out and we’re going to video this dude,” Kurt answered, and they did.

The man shimmied up the pole like he had done it several times and fiddled with something, the boys couldn’t tell what.

Suddenly the streetlights went out and the lights that were kept on in Tina’s house went dark.

It was hard to see in the dark, but Kurt and Kevin watched the man shimmy back down the pole and walk quickly to Tina’s house. Once on her porch, he looked around quickly, and pulling something out of his pocket, quickly opened the door and walked in.

Kevin couldn’t believe his eyes. Kurt quickly called 9-1-1 on his phone and reported what was going on.

As they watched, the man came out and carried some type of container back into Tina’s house.

Having seen enough, the men slipped silently out of the truck and ran to Tina’s house. Kevin took the back door and Kurt took the front. In perfect sync with each other, they slipped quietly into the house.

Checking each room carefully, they found the man in Tina’s bedroom pouring what smelled like gasoline on the floor. Most of the contents of the house had been removed for cleaning or disposal because of the blood.

Standing silently in the door to the bedroom, Kev turned the camera on his phone on and continued to videotape. The man was oblivious.

After a few seconds, he started talking. “All I wanted was for you to love me. Why did it have to be them, and not just one, but two of them? If you had paid more attention, we could have been together. Now look what you made me do. I tried everything, I mowed your yard, in the winter I shoveled your sidewalk. I did everything a man was supposed to do. I was your neighbor, you should have noticed me. I brought you food, why couldn’t you love me? I thought when you started getting the packages, you would come to me for help, but no…you went to them. What can they do for you that I can’t? I love you and now…now you’re going to make me do this.” With the final words, he started to pour the gasoline on himself.

Kurt and Kevin quickly jumped in to stop him. He had no clue they were there.
