Page 53 of State

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“Courtney, what’s going on?” Carter demanded hard, and the room quieted.

My hand shot out to shut him up. I kept my eyes on Courtney. “I told you.”

Her head jerked back. “What?” she whispered.

“I told you, little mouse, that we were meant to be. Been holding off sayin’ it, and I’m gonna get into shit from the brothers for doin’ it here, but you gotta know, baby, you’re mine. I fuckin’ love you.”

A sob caught in her throat as her tears fell, and she pressed her hands to her belly.

“Carter, call Beth and tell her she’s gonna get grandkids sooner than she thought.”

“What?” I was sure all three brothers yelled.

“Dom, you can’t tell her yet. I need to make sure first.”

“I’ve got a test,” one of the girls called, and she ran off for it.

“Baby, come here.”

“Dom, this isn’t—”

“Court, come here.”

She sighed and stepped right in front of me. I tipped her chin up to me. “You want my kid?”

“It’s so soon,” she whispered.

“Didn’t ask that, little mouse. If it happens you are pregnant, will you be happy?”

“Will you?” I could see she was more scared about what I thought than what she thought herself.

“Thought I couldn’t get any happier with you in my life. Found out moments ago that I could.”

She swallowed thickly and nodded, pressing herself close. “I love you too, and yes, I will be happy if I am.”

With the test in hand, Courtney went to the bathroom. I’d never seen the brothers hang around like hovering flies until then as we waited close by for an answer. When Courtney walked out of the bathroom with new tears in her eyes and a smile, the room erupted in cheers.

I walked up to my woman, picked her up in my arms, and kissed the fuck out of her for making me so fucking ecstatic. My body hummed from it.

Thinking back on it, I knew that night I was going to put my ring on her finger and make sure every prick knew she was taken. She was mine.

Walking through the house, I found my woman not resting, not in the shower or the bath, but in the kitchen doing the dishes.

I wrapped my arms around her from behind. “Leave them, little mouse. I’ll grab them later.”

“It’s okay. It won’t take long.”

“Babe” was all I said, which had her laughing.

“It’s fine. Guess who called today?”



I tensed. “You’re fuckin’ with me? What’d that bitch want?” She’d been cheating on Country back in the day, and he’d found out it was with a guy from another club. A club we hated. He’d been the one supplying her with drugs.

“How sorry she is and that she’s met someone who makes her happy. He sounds good for her. She actually sounded genuine. She wants to meet up one day. Knows I’m with you, that I should check with you before I say yes.”
