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Did she think I'd be disappointed by that fact? I can't resist moving my thumb over her skin in slow circles. "Me too. But I'm not your adviser, that I'm sure of. I'd remember being assigned a Scots student."

"No, you're not my adviser. I haven't met her yet."

"Just set foot on campus, have you?"


I smile again, enchanted by the angel beside me. "I do love the way Scots speak. Your accent is lovely."

"I like yours too."

Her eyes widen briefly, as if she thinks she's made an egregious error in etiquette. If she knew me, she wouldn't worry about rubbish like propriety. Not sure I want her to experience my world, though. She's perfect, just as she is.

And I am toxic.

"Thank you," I say in response to her statement. Then I tip my head to the side to study her and imagine what it would feel like to kiss her sensuous lips. "I hope we'll see each other again sometime. Even though I'm not your adviser, feel free to stop by my office anytime."

"I appreciate that." She pulls her hand free of mine and gets up. "I need to go, or I'll be late for my first meeting with my adviser."

"Good luck, Catriona."

She gives me another sweet little smile, then walks away.

But she glances back at me several times before she disappears from view.

That lass wants me. I want her too, but getting involved with any woman is too dangerous. Dating a student probably wouldn't violate the university's ethics rules, since Catriona is a graduate student. So I could ask her out, strictly to discover if we have as much chemistry as I think we do. No, I cannot do that.Stay away from the bonnie Scots lass, you sodding arse.

Being with me would stain her sweet soul.

My morning goes the way I'd thought. I attempt to force-feed education to students who can't stop chatting to each other. I resign myself to having only half the class, at most, listening to my lecture. At lunch, I grab food from the cafeteria and eat in my office with the door closed and locked. If students want to confer with me, they'll have to wait until another day. In the afternoon, I make my way to a different lecture hall to give another lesson, but this time, I have a room full of fourth-year students who seem more inclined to pay attention.

A miracle, for sure.

In the middle of my lecture about ancient Rome, I glance around the cavernous hall to make eye contact with some of the students. Most of them I can't see because they're in the back, too far away from me. I'm surprised I have a full house for this lecture. But I only consider that thought for half a second. Then my attention veers to a familiar face.

Catriona MacTaggart stands near the open door, at the top of the sloping floor.

Our gazes collide. I can't look away from her, and I realize I've stopped speaking. Even when I return to my lecture, I can't look away from Catriona, and she gazes right back at me as if she can't look away either. The lass who loves my accent seems entranced, but I don't think it's because of the subject matter. She has hypnotized me, and I know I will need to speak to her again, soon, if only to hear her lovely voice again.

No, I will not do that. Never again will I speak to her.

My resolve lasts only until the students vacate the hall. I see Catriona lingering by the open door as if she's waiting for me. I could exit via the other set of doors on the opposite side of the hall, but that would make me a bleeding coward. Walking past the Scots lass won't be difficult at all. If she tries to grab me, I will overpower her.

Oh, bloody hell. Now I'm afraid a woman will assault me because she's so desperately attracted to me. Even I'm not that arrogant.

I nod to Catriona as I pass her. She says nothing. But just as I turn to head down the corridor, I hear her voice.

"Dr. Thorne?"

I haltingly turn toward her and affect an air of casual interest. "Yes, Ms. MacTaggart?"

"Please call me Catriona." She squares her shoulders and lifts her chin. "You said I could come to your office anytime."

Oh, fuck. I'd also said I hoped I would see her again. When did I develop loose lips? Mine have always been tightly sealed. But if I tell her to go away… Nothing bad will happen. Yes, I should tell her to bugger off. Those aren't the words that come out of my mouth, though.

"My office is on the second floor," I tell her. "We can talk while we walk."

Catriona smiles. "Thank you, Dr. Thorne."

I start down the corridor with Catriona beside me, and she keeps smiling in the sweetest way.

Oh yes, I am doomed.
