Page 31 of The British Bastard

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Chapter Eleven


Catriona flew to Utah six days ago, and I've spent the entire week teaching classes while on autopilot and making appropriate noises while students tell me their problems during my office hours. I barely notice anything they say. I can't remember what topics I discussed in my lectures. All my mind will let me think about is Cat. Friday evening, I can't take it anymore. I get on a plane and fly to Salt Lake City, Utah. Luckily, I manage to secure a suite at the most expensive hotel in the city, which isn't expensive by my standards. Catriona will think it is. But she deserves a plush mattress—to sleep on and to shag on.

I ring her from the suite.

She answers with a sleepy hello.

"Been working hard?" I say. "Well, it's a good thing I've come to whisk you away to my palace. Your servant shall attend to your every need and desire."

"Alex? What are you talking about?"

"I'm here in Salt Lake City."

"Here?" She sounds more awake now. "Where? We're staying at a tiny motel on the south side of town."

"Give me the motel's name, and I'll find it. Don't eat anything because I mean to spoil you with five-star room service."

"You don't need to do that."

"Of course I do. Now give me that address."

She recites it for me, and we say goodbye. Half an hour later, I pull into the car park at the rundown little establishment where the archaeology team has taken up residence. If I'd known what sort of hovel she'd been staying at, I would've insisted on booking her a suite for the duration. She wouldn't have let me, though. Cat is bloody-minded when it comes to letting me spoil her.

Tonight, she will be treated like a princess—whether she likes it or not.

When I knock on the door to her room, a blonde with spiky hair and a nose ring opens it. Her eyes widen, and she peruses my entire body before speaking. "Who are you? And how can I get some of what you're selling?"

"I'm here for Catriona."

The girl sighs. "Oh well. It figures a hot guy wouldn't knock on the door for me." She twists her head around to shout, "Cat! Your boyfriend is here."

Catriona appears behind the spiky-haired girl and tells her, "I'll be gone until Monday morning."

"Have fun." The girl winks at me. "Don't work her too hard, hon."

Since I have no response to that, I clasp Catriona's hand and lead her to the car I hired at the airport. It's a BMW sports car, but Cat doesn't comment on my choice of vehicle. She lifts her brows a touch, that's all. During the drive back to my hotel, she fills me in on what happened today during the team's investigation of the newly found petroglyphs. I always love listening to her talk, mostly because she has the sexiest voice, but also because I enjoy her enthusiasm. I don't think I've ever gotten as excited about archaeology as she does.

Every time she smiles, I smile too. And every time she laughs, I do the same.

When we arrive at the hotel, I park the car and rush to get to the passenger door before she can open it herself. Cat always kisses my cheek when I do that. She brought a small bag, so I carry that for her. She kisses my cheek again. But when we reach my suite, all she seems capable of doing is gawping and turning in circles.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

She stops twirling and stares at me blankly for a moment. Then she blinks rapidly. At last, she looks at me and shakes her head. "You weren't joking when you called this your palace."

"It's a hotel suite, not the residence of a king."

"Might as well be that. This is even more posh and expensive than our loft. It might be bigger too."

"Try the bed. You'll love it."

She lies down atop the covers and links her hands above her head. Her eyes drift shut, and a sensual smile curves her lips. "You need to shag me on this bed right now, Alex."

"What about dinner?"

"Sex first." She opens her eyes and stretches her entire body, sighing with contentment. "Undress me, Alex. You know I love it when you do that."
