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"Which means he has one year's more experience than you."

All I can do is sigh. "I'm fine, Rory. And I'm a grown woman who can take care of herself."

"Fair enough. Do you like it over there?"

At first, I felt homesick. But since I met Alex… Aye, things are looking up. "Yes, I do like it here. Satisfied, Rory?"

"We are your brothers. That means we have the right and the responsibility to check on you."

"Fine, aye, you do."

I chat to my brothers for a while, then we say goodbye. It must be the middle of the night in Scotland, yet my brothers rang me just to make sure I'm all right. Aye, I love them. And aye, I miss my family. But I don't regret moving to America.

For the next few hours, I debate what I should wear for my dinner with Alex. It's not a date. But I don't want to dress like a student. I want to present myself as a woman. How do I do that? Why do I want to do it? The how part is fairly simple, but I can't explain why I care if Alex views me as a woman instead of a student. Oh, aye, it's a mystery. That desire has nothing to do with how attracted I am to Alex.

I eventually decide on a pale-blue dress with a hem just above my knees and matching shoes. Then I realize I should really shave my legs, and after that, I spend twenty minutes putting on makeup and fixing my hair. I decide to leave my hair loose because I like the way it feels brushing against my bare shoulders. No, I don't care what Alex thinks of the way I'm dressed. I wanted to feel feminine for me, not for him.

Someone knocks on my door at precisely eight o'clock.

I rush to pull the door open and smile when I see Alex standing there.

"Are you ready?" he asks. "I've reserved a table at a restaurant that sounds quite nice."

"Yes, I'm ready."

He offers me his arm. "You look stunning, Catriona."

"Thank you." I hook my arm around his and take note of his charcoal suit and golden tan dress shirt that has two buttons undone. "You look very handsome yourself."

But he looks more than handsome. The color of his shirt complements the warm brown of his eyes, and the suit makes him look so dapper and sexy that I experience the strongest wave of tingly anticipation that I've ever felt in my life.

Alex leads me down the concrete steps and across the concrete walkway, guiding me straight to his car. It's a Mercedes convertible, though he hasn't rolled the top down. Is Alex rich? I didn't think associate professors made that much money. Not that I will ever ask him about that.

He opens the passenger door for me and offers me his hand as I climb into the car. Then he hurries to the driver's side and settles into his seat.

We glance at each other at the same time and smile at each other too. Gooseflesh pebbles my arms. I have never been this excited to spend time with any man, even one who only wants to be my mate.

As Alex drives the Mercedes down the streets of Ballesteros, I gaze at his profile and wonder what will happen next.
