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“Hello, Silver? Are you in a trance?”

I blinked as Liam’s fingers snapped in front of my face. I went to slap his hand away, but the minute our hands touched, he grabbed my fingers and wouldn’t let go. A jolt of dangerous fire lit in my blood. Uh oh.

“Let’s dance,” he said as he began to drag me through the crowd, not waiting for an answer.

The slow music continued beneath the dim, sparkling lights as we made it to the dance floor, and before I could say a word, Liam had wrapped his arms around me. I couldn’t refuse without making a scene, and he knew it.

Familiar memories blew through me as I moved my hands up around his neck and we began to sway with the music. This whole dancing thing with Liam was a big fat no-no. “I don’t think this is funny,” I muttered to the crook of his neck.

“Who said anything was funny? It’s romantic, actually,” he murmured in my ear.

Warning bells went off in my head as Liam slid his arms tighter around my waist. His familiar cologne swirled around me like a tornado of temptation and desire. My body was heating up like a rocket after take-off. Oh no.

“You smell nice,” Liam whispered as we rocked in unison. “You feel nice too.”

“I told you no hanky-panky stuff,” I said even as my body betrayed me, craving to be closer to Liam’s warmth. My nipples hardened against my will as heat infused every atom of my body. “We’re here on business. Nothing more.”

Liam bent down and rubbed his lips against my cheek as he spoke. “Why do you try to deny yourself, Silver?”

That husky voice was going to be the end of me. “Denying what? I have no idea what you are talking about,” I lied.

“You know we were good together.”

“Wereis the key word,” I said. “Not anymore.”

His breath on my cheek was unnerving. “We are here to win the Magnum account together this time. It’s time to let go, to bury the ole hatchet. Why don’t we kiss and make up?”

I groaned inwardly at the thought of kissing Liam. He was a damn good kisser. But no, no, no. I can’t do that. “Oh, really? I doubt you’d be so forgiving,” I huffed. But damn it, he smelled so good. And he looked so good in his fancy blue suit that brought out those mesmerizing green eyes. I could feel his muscular chest against my breasts, reminding me of how fabulous he looked naked. Damn.

“I don’t hold grudges, Silver. That’s your domain.”

I don’t know why it hurt when he said it, but it did. It was true. I did hold grudges. It was the reason I wouldn’t talk to my father anymore. It was the reason for so many downed bridges between me and people I had once loved. I was unforgiving when people betrayed me. I could fight them until the end of time, but I couldn’t forgive. I considered it a weakness, and Silver Warren was not a weak person.

We turned around on the dance floor, oblivious to the rest of the dancers. “I have my reasons,” I said.

“I know those reasons. Probably better than you know yourself. Maybe it’s time to let go, you know? I’ve got some demons of my own that I need to let go.”

That he did. Some big ass demons. Maybe that was why we were both so good together. And so bad together. We had too many demons to slay, and between us, they seemed to multiply.

I could feel my defenses slipping. He felt so familiar, so right in my arms. It would be so easy just to tip my head back and feel his lips on mine like I’d wanted him to do since the moment I’d seen him in the grocery store. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t go there, I couldn’t give in. We’d had our chance, and we’d blown it. Or, more correctly, Liam had blown it.

I stepped back, letting him slip from my arms. It was too much to bear. “I think I need some fresh air,” I said as I stilled in front of him.

He stared at me with those gorgeous green eyes, his black hair shining like ebony in the dim light. Every atom in my body wanted him to scoop me up in his arms and take me up the stairs into a room and make love to me like he had so many times in the past.

He reached out his hand. “Silver,” he breathed my name as he laid his palm on my cheek and stared at me with all the intensity that I knew we both felt.

I closed my eyes as I rested my hand on his. As much as I wanted Liam, I couldn’t open those old wounds. “I can’t,” I said.

And then I dashed away, making my way through the crowd as if my tail had caught fire. Because I knew the truth. If there was one thing in this world that could break me, it was Liam. And I wasn’t willing to fall apart for anyone.

Not even if it killed me.
