Page 5 of Sweet Talker

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Relieved, I’m ready to accept the offer when the external door leading into the back-office slams hard enough to pull it off its hinges. A man curses loudly, and something heavy lands on the ground with a thud. Chair legs scrape along the wooden floor and my decision is made.

“Oh, um… maybe later. I don’t want to impose.”

I’m sure Brax already thinks I’m unprofessional. It won’t make much of a difference if I send the email now or in a few hours.

The gruff voice lets loose a string of expletives, and Annie purses her lips. “My nephew is not always like this,” she grimaces. “He had a bad day and gets a little hangry sometimes, but he’s harmless. He’s like a hard candy with a soft center. Rough on the outside but gooey on the inside.” There’s affection and warmth in her gaze when she continues. “If you wait a moment, I’ll introduce you and he can tell you more about the mermaid tour while he helps carry your bags.”

Against my better judgment, I answer with a noncommittal shrug. I don’t think she notices because she scoots to the back office without a backward glance.

I wait by reception for a few moments and when her nephew roars, I flinch. He doesn’t sound harmless to me. I have no desire to go on a tour with Annie’s crazy-ass nephew.

I cup both hands around my mouth and project my voice toward the office. “Thanks for the offer, Annie, but it’s okay! I’ll go for a run in the woods and try sending the email later.”

I leave the luggage where it is, grab my purse, and prepare to run away, but I’m not fast enough. The handsome stranger I met earlier storms through the doorway.
