Page 10 of Not Quite Roommates

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Without opening her eyes,Lacy became aware of a woman’s voice and a dim light. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and tried to figure out what the hell was going on. She dug herself out from under the blanket.

Darkness still surrounded her, but a soft glow of light came from over the back of the couch. She had apparently fallen asleep while watching Netflix. Not an uncommon occurrence. The TV had auto shut off at some point, so it had to be well after midnight.

“Jonah,” a woman’s voice sighed from behind her.

Lacy froze. The light came from the kitchen and apparently Jonah hadn’t come home alone.

The woman gasped and moaned, followed by the rustle of clothing. What the hell were they doing? Lacy’s cheeks heated. Okay, she knew what they were doing, but where in the process were they?

Maybe they were only making out and would head to the bedroom shortly. The sounds seemed a little more involved than kissing though. Was that a zipper? If Lacy peeked over the back of the couch, would she be getting a PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17 show?

Guess Sophie didn’t have the chance to have the “your bedroom is your privacy” talk with him. Of course, Lacy having a private conversation in the common area and Jonah being inside someone were completely different and shouldn’t have been up for the same level of discussion. It should have been a given.

She could only assume they hadn’t seen her under the blanket on the couch. . . or had they? Was that a kink? Doing it with your roommate in the room? She didn’t know if she wanted to know if it was a kink. Or his kink.

A soft moan filled the room, followed by a feminine gasp.

Jonah probably should have mentioned that particular fetish. Or at least discussed whether she wanted to take part in his twisted sex game. Not that he talked enough for that to actually come out.

“Jonah,” the woman’s breathy voice exclaimed. Apparently, she really liked whatever he was doing. The sounds really didn’t help Lacy much though.

Lacy could wait here. With the blanket over her head. They hadn’t seen her, hopefully, and would eventually move to the bedroom, right? She just had to remain quiet.

Suddenly the wine she drank prior to falling asleep pressed on her bladder with a sense of urgency. Great.

“Do you like that?” the woman whispered. Jonah moaned soft and dark. The sound made Lacy press her thighs together.

Maybe Lacy could sneak away before they noticed her; after all, they were occupied. It made sense, but to figure out the best time and to find out if they could see her, she’d have to look. She cringed and heat flooded her cheeks again.

Would they think this was her kink? Watching? She was pretty sure that was an actual kink.

The noises, rough and deep, were definitely pointing toward the NC-17 rating. Which in her vast experience—yeah, right, she mentally chuckled—couldn’t possibly last long once they got to those noises. But then again, the romance books she read seemed to indicate some men cared if a woman came and could go all night. Talking with her friends, though, she knew that was mostly fantasy. Beth even claimed to have a ten-second man. In and then quickly done, but that also didn’t seem to be common.

Lacy had read an article claiming five minutes was average, but the range was crazy from seconds to almost an hour. Her bladder might make it five minutes but much longer than that and she’d be out of options.

Her thoughts distracted her from the sex noises for all of a few minutes.

“Do you have protection?” The woman’s husky voice filled the silence.

Crap. Well, apparently Lacy misjudged the progress. She should just run for the bathroom. They’d know she was up anyway as soon as she closed the door. Maybe they’d think she came from her bedroom. Maybe they wouldn’t see her and think she hadn’t seen them. Maybe they’d figure out to use his bedroom rather than the common area for sex.

The wrapper tore. After a moment, the woman cried out in pleasure and seemed to really be enjoying herself if her noises were anything to go by. Well done, Jonah, but that didn’t help Lacy’s time crunch problem.

Of course, Lacy’s own experience with sex hadn’t sounded like this. There had been no talking and not a lot of noises. . . from her at least. Besides, she was fairly certain she would have heard these two even in her bedroom if she weren’t such a heavy sleeper. Which Jonah didn’t know what type of sleeper she was. There he went being rude again.

Her bladder made her aware time was of the essence.

The noises the woman made escalated. How long was this going to take?

Curiosity would always be the bane of her existence. Now she wanted to see what they were doing because the woman sounded really into it. Maybe the woman was faking it. Would Lacy be able to tell if the woman were faking it?

Lacy held her breath. She needed to go to the bathroom and soon. The longer she stayed here the worse it would be when she emerged. If they even saw her. Maybe they were too occupied to notice her. She moved slowly and planned on peeking over the back of the couch as quickly as possible to verify their location and determine whether they would see her leave the couch.

That was the plan.

As quietly as possible, she positioned herself and slowly raised her head. The kitchen counter peninsula came into her view and so did the side torso of the woman. Huh? Her shirt hung open, unbuttoned, as she pressed her breasts down onto the counter. Her face was turned away from the couch.
