Page 110 of Not Quite Roommates

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“Great, let’s go.”

* * *

“I needto stop by my buddy’s place first. Do you mind, Lace?” Logan turned around from the front seat to ask her. Obviously he wasn’t still into her because he didn’t even hesitate to sit up front instead of in the back seat with her. Not that she wanted Logan to like her, but it left her alone with her thoughts. Thoughts about Jonah.

How would it be until he returned?

“That’s fine.” She gave Logan a small smile to placate him. She didn’t have anywhere else pressing to be.

Logan’s smile was almost mischievous. He talked to the driver, but with the music and the fan blowing, Lacy couldn’t make out a word they said. She pulled out her phone.

How’s it going?Beth had texted. Lacy hadn’t answered her yet because she knew just saying “good” would start an inquest she wasn’t prepared to deal with. Last weekend had been her weeping and sorting out her emotions. She had to be done with that by Sunday if Jonah returned. She had to be strong.

Lacy blew her hair out of her eyes.Fine. Planning on drinking heavily tonight. Haven’t decided if it will be a whole binge weekend thing yet.

After she sent that, she continued,Not really. Going to hang out with the gang from work.

Beth sent the eyeroll emoji.You’re too much of a light weight to start drinking. Glad you will be with friends tonight.

He’s gotta come home at some point, right?Lacy tried to ignore the flutters that went off throughout her at the thought of Jonah coming home. Not that he would call it home.

He didn’t take everything last week, so yeah.

Lacy set the phone down. He’d taken almost everything except his guitar and some clothes. Or was the guitar just another thing he would leave behind? Like her. She rubbed the dull ache in her chest.

“We’re here.” Logan caught her attention as he got out of the vehicle.

“I can wait here.” Lacy barely registered the apartment building they’d stopped in front of.

“You should come with. It might be a minute. We’ll order another Uber after.” Logan opened her door and held his hand out to her.

She shrugged and climbed out, ignoring his hand. She didn’t want to lead him on if he thought she might be available again. That would be really awkward.

“Okay, follow me.” He led her into the apartment building and into the elevator. “My friend is new in town and hasn’t had a chance to get furniture yet, so don’t be alarmed.”

“I’m sure if you wanted to murder me, you had plenty of chances before now.” Lacy gave him a half smile. It was about all she could muster. It would take a while, but eventually she’d get over Jonah. Of course, seeing him everyday would delay it, but she’d rather see him than not see him at all.

As the elevator climbed, Logan turned to her. “You okay, Lace? You seemed pretty distant this week.”

Lacy closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead with her fingers. “I’m good, just tired.”

“Did you know that Candy chick is a bartender? Claire and I went to the bar she works at on Saturday.” Logan leaned against the back wall of the elevator.

“Hmmm.” Lacy didn’t want to think about Candy or what might happen once Jonah returned. Maybe he’d start up with Candy again. Maybe he’d be more discreet after what Lacy and he shared. Maybe he would take that job in L.A. and leave.

The elevator doors opened and Lacy followed Logan down a hallway. It was a nice building. Logan stopped at a door and looked at her, expectantly.

“What?” she asked.

Logan shrugged with a half smile on his lips. “Just hoping tonight lifts your spirits.”

Lacy narrowed her eyes at him. What was that supposed to mean? Her gut churned as if to warn her.

Before she could ask, he opened the door without knocking and went in. She looked down the hallway and thought about leaving, but to go do what? Spend the night binging ice cream and watching Netflix, wondering if Jonah would actually return or if she’d ever see him again. Pulling up his text and not texting him back because she didn’t want to sound needy.

But she was. She wanted to see Jonah. Hear his weird-ass, gravelly voice and have him growl at her. Feel his heat as he stood too close to her. Touch him and know he was as much hers as she was his.

“You coming, Lace?” Logan’s voice came from inside the apartment.
