Page 40 of Not Quite Roommates

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“Is it that bad?” She winced as she looked down at the pretty shoes on her feet.

He chuckled. “Little bird, it looks like you are walking on broken glass. It doesn’t matter how sexy the shoes look if you walk like each step might be your last.”

“Oh, thank God.” She released her breath. Grabbing his shoulder for support, she slipped them off and toed on her flats. “I was willing to make a sacrifice to the fashion gods, but if they don’t look good.”

He cleared his throat and stepped back. Her hand fell to her side. She hadn’t even realized she’d touched him. Okay, that was a lie. She always knew when she touched him and when he touched her. That whirlwind swirled almost at a constant when she was even near him or just thinking about him. Which happened way too often.

She carefully dropped to pick up the heels. The skirt wasn’t as short as that one dress she’d tried on, but she would definitely flash someone if she bent over.

“I’ll just put these away.” Why were things suddenly awkward with Jonah again? Maybe he was worried she’d start crushing on him if Logan didn’t want her. That had to be it. She tossed her shoes in her room before returning to the living room.

Jonah had called a car for them, so they went downstairs to wait. On the elevator ride down, Jonah leaned close to her and said, “You look very sexy tonight.”

A flush hit her cheeks and she couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you. You do too.”

He gave her a small smile as the elevator stopped in the lobby. Her insides lit up at his smile. He held open the door for her as they went out into the night. Lacy wasn’t used to going anywhere on a Saturday night, and usually she would be asleep by ten. That wouldn’t be happening tonight. Jonah’s hand brushed the small of her back as they walked to the waiting car. Her breath caught and held at the surge of electricity flooding her from the touch.

If he kept touching her, she doubted she’d ever be able to fall sleep tonight.

As the car started off toward the club, she turned to Jonah. “Can we just say tomorrow morning, no blender?”

He leaned closer to her, eye to eye, and said, “Oh, there will be a blender, but it might be later than normal.”

She glared at him for a second. “Fine, but there better be coffee.”

“Always.” He looked out the window as the city sped past them.

Lacy had to admit a restless energy flowed through her. After all, she’d only gone out a few times with Sophie and Brenda before she figured it would be easier not to. Those two stayed out so late she usually started fading before the party even began. She wasn’t familiar with the club scene. But tonight, she’d be going out with Jonah, Logan, and Claire.

Three beautiful, tall people and her. Not that she was short, but around them. . . and especially in flats. Her stomach twisted. Maybe she should have worn the heels. Maybe her skirt was too prim and proper to be sexy. Maybe this was a mistake.

The car stopped in front of the nightclub. “Fire” in big red neon lights bathed the sidewalk in red. People lingered around the front of the building, obscuring the entrance.

Jonah stepped out before she could tell him she changed her mind. She wanted to hide in her apartment in her kissing frog pajamas with her Disney Plus subscription. She didn’t “club.” She sighed and followed him out. After all, this had been her idea.

“Now what?” she said as the car left. A line stretched around the building to get in. When the door opened, bass boomed out in the street.

Jonah’s hand slipped into hers. “Come on.”

He dragged her toward the scary looking bouncers and gatekeepers. Keeping her hand in his, he leaned in to one of the bouncers and said something. The guy glanced at her and nodded.

Jonah led her inside. The music overwhelmed everything. If one wanted a quiet place to get to know someone, this wouldn’t be that place. The music filled her head so no thoughts could exist at all. Black and red covered every surface. The dance floor pulsed with the music and lights. Bodies writhed as one in rhythm. A living mural of color.

Her hand tightened on Jonah’s, not wanting to lose him in the crowd. Wrapping her other hand around Jonah’s arm, she scooted closer as he led the way though all the people. His hand squeezed and never left hers.

After a while, he tugged her into a corner and braced himself over her, hiding her from the rest of the club. Her whole being went on high alert as his scent and heat wrapped around her. The space, or lack thereof, had him almost pressed against her. His rolled-up shirtsleeve brushed her bare arm, causing goosebumps. His forearms flexed as he pressed his hands against the wall beside her head. Her skin practically trembled for his touch, as his head dipped near hers until his lips brushed her ear. Her knees weakened and she grabbed onto the front of his shirt to hold herself up.

“I’m going to text Logan to see where they are.” He pulled away a little until she could see his eyes. The heat in them stirred something restless within her. That heat couldn’t possibly be for her though. The overstimulation of the area probably caused it. Just like the sparks dancing along her veins. His breath caressed her lips. Her eyes widened. Were his lips as soft as they looked? She wanted to press up and find out.

What the hell was happening to her?

Releasing his shirt, she nodded and let the wall hold her up. He took out his phone and texted. A second later his phone lit up. He reached down and grabbed her hand before he nodded toward something. She wrapped around his arm again, hugging it to her like a teddy bear. It didn’t matter where he led her. She’d follow him. Even with her heightened emotions around him, after last night, she trusted him to keep her safe.

This time he led her behind the DJ stand into a section with tables and chairs. The music wasn’t as intrusive in this area. It still blared into the space, but she could almost hear her own thoughts. She spotted Logan and Claire in a booth. Logan wore jeans and a black button-down shirt. Claire wore a short black dress that hugged her curves and high heels which made Lacy’s feet ache just looking at them.

Lacy fell behind Jonah and released her grip on him as they stopped at the table. Claire stood up and hugged Jonah before she saw Lacy hiding behind him.

“Oh my God, Lacy, you look phenomenal. You clean up good, girl,” Claire said as she gave Lacy a hug.
