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He gave a low laugh. “The city reeked of leechthorn for weeks, and the sidewalks were stained red just as long.” I bristled at his words.

Figures began to take shape on the walls of the castle, figures that looked a lot like–

My stomach jolted as I realized I was looking at a dozen bodies in all states of mutilation and decay hanging from the walls. I couldn’t keep my eyes from scanning them even as I tried to tear them away. The one closest to the massive wooden doors was a hulking man, blistered burns across his arms and dried blood crusting his leathers, having poured from the gaping wound on his neck. The flies swarmed, crawling across the metal bear mask that sat on his lolling head. I froze midstep, barely noticing Miles stop on the step above me.

“Is that… Is that Vorkalth?” I whispered.

“Huh. Looks like it is,” Miles said nonchalantly, cocking his head.

“Why is hedead?” My voice caught in my throat. Nausea churning in my gut. But it was nausea laced with something pleasant, something slightly sweet at the sight of him.

“I’m guessing when Vorkalth arrived back in Taitha he told Kauvras of the woman who needed two doses of leechthorn. I’m sure Kauvras asked him where you were, but he lost you. So…it’s the wall for him.” Miles continued his ascent and I finally managed to tear my eyes away.

Not a single guard protested as Miles and I approached the doors which swung open in time for us to stride in without losing speed. It reminded me of the night Calomyr took me to the King’s Keep.

The entry hall opened in front of us, soaring ceilings higher than I’d ever seen. Everything was stone — cold, gray, merciless stone. Nothing beautiful, nothing ornate, nothing worth a second glance.

A band of young women snapped to attention, their heads lowering as we neared. “Lieutenant Landgrave,” one of them said, stepping forward. “Welcome back to Taitha.” She was small, dark haired with petite features, her beauty at war with the harshness of her surroundings. “May I show your guest to her rooms?”

“That won’t be necessary, Anna, thank you,” Miles answered. My heartbeat quickened. I swallowed as he turned to me. “I will show you to your rooms and give you some time to…freshen up.” I could hear the sneer with his last words. “I’ll send someone to check you over and bring you a gown, and I will collect you in an hour’s time to meet your groom.” I tried not to tense up.

Winding, empty corridors blurred together as I followed Miles, finally stopping outside a door that looked identical to the dozens of others we had passed. “One hour,” he said, before turning and leaving.

I pushed the door open. Cold, gray, lifeless. Just like the rest of the castle.

I didn’t take the time to check the room for possible escape routes. Where would I even go if I managed to run? A door to the left of the room was propped open, leading to a bathing room with — oh, thank the fuckingSaints— a bathtub. It was already full of water, tendrils of steam dancing over its surface. I was terrified to look in the mirror, to see what the journey had done to me, so I carefully avoided it as I untied the corset and peeled the dress from my body. I let it crumple to the floor, a sinister bouquet of red and white roses. I sifted through the fabric to find the diadem, closely inspecting it to make sure it wasn’t damaged. It looked just as perfect, just as comforting as ever.

Other than the small dent of a scar in my thigh from the arrow, my body showed no evidence thatanythinghad happened. My feet were sore, but beyond that, nothing hurt.

I stepped into the steaming bath, the water immediately sullied as the caked blood and dirt dissolved. I dunked my head, wondering if I could hold myself under water just long enough to end this nightmare.

The need for oxygen took hold as I broke the surface, and questions began to flash through my mind as I took a deep breath.

Daughter of Katia?

And I healed myself?

And Ikilleddozens of wild animals without any weapons?

What the fuck was I going to do when I was presented to Kauvras?

I dunked my head again, hoping that the answers to every question would magically appear in my head when I came up for air. That was not the case.

A small knock sounded at the door to my room. “Come in,” I shouted, not moving from the tub. I heard the door click open softly, then the sound of fabric rustling as the person, who I assumed to be someone Miles sent to my room, moved toward the bed. More rustling fabric, then the sound of glasses on a tabletop. “I just need a minute,” I called to the person, my voice raspy and weak. They didn’t answer.

I took a bar of soap from a small basket on the side of the bathtub and scrubbed my skin until it was raw, the dirty water swirling around me. Four years ago I would have dreamed of a bathtub, and I wouldn’t have cared when the water became filthy with my dirt and grime. Now here I was, with what should be an indulgence, wishing I was anywhere else.

I finally stood and let the water fall from my bare skin. I wasn’t ready to step out, knowing that when I did, I was one minute closer to facing Kauvras with no idea what was going to happen. I reminded myself of the time limit Miles had given me and the fact that someone had brought me a gown. I figured I should let her check for any wounds I may have overlooked, considering...well, everything.

I toweled off and finally looked in the mirror. And I looked…surprisingly strong. Tall. The time without any real nourishment hadn’t transformed me into the gaunt wisp I had been in Inkwell, and sure enough no major evidence remained from the Board’s assault.

Wrapping myself in an ivory silk robe I plucked from a hook on the wall, I hurried out the bathing room door. The person Miles had sent turned to greet me and dropped the vial of herbs she held, the glass shattering on the floor.

Looking back at me from across the room was Solise.
