Page 119 of The Girl Who Survived

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Was it possible they’d sent the wrong man up the river?

He pulled up photos from the scene of the homicides, noting the positions of the bodies and the wounds inflicted, all from the same antique sword. Zelda’s and Sam Senior’s throats had been slit, ear to ear, as had Donner Robinson’s. Sam Junior had suffered stab wounds to his torso and legs, bleeding out from the femoral artery of his right leg. Jonas’s wounds had been primarily superficial, though his left calf had been slashed to his shin bone and he’d hit his head, developed a concussion as he’d fallen. And then there was Marlie. Somehow she’d left a few drops of blood near the fireplace and on the Christmas tree.

But she hadn’t died.

Not there.

Not then.

Thomas searched the Internet, watched some of the news reports. He saw officers from the department, most retired, a younger Randall Isley and Archer Gleason, both deputies, both being caught on camera from a distance. Gleason, as tall as he was, stood out, but his hair had been thick then, his physique honed. In one shot he and Isley were talking, both their faces grim as they stood near a rescue vehicle parked near the gates of the McIntyres’ mountain home.

The next clip he watched was of Walter Robinson making a plea for the safe return of his daughter. He appeared to be about six feet tall, with square shoulders and a firm jaw, his lips compressed as he begged for the return of his daughter. “Please,” he said, staring straight into the camera’s lens. “If you know anything about Marlie’s whereabouts, call the police.” He swallowed visibly just before a picture of the missing girl appeared on the screen. In the shot, Marlie was posed, a school picture, it looked like. Blond hair falling to her shoulders, her eyes twinkling, her—

He stopped short and froze the shot.

He’d seen her.

Goddamn it, he’d seen her.

He brought up the enhanced digitized picture of her and again he was struck with the thought that he’d seen this woman, in the flesh, and recently.

For the love of God, could she really still be alive?
