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The driver honked the truck’s horn.

Long and loud.

Echoing through the woods.

Still the Jeep spun out of control.

Panicked, she tried to right it, to find her lane.

“Kara!” Jonas rolled over the back of the front seat. Jostling her. Her hands slipping away from the steering wheel as he shouldered closer.

“Watch out!” she cried.

He grabbed the steering wheel.

“No—are you crazy?”

“Fuck.” Leaning over her, he jerked on the wheel. He was twisted over the console.

“Don’t!” she cried, seeing only swirling snow in the windshield, feeling a cold terror. This was all wrong!

Another blast from the truck’s horn.

Terror clawed at her heart.

Close! The truck was close!

Oh, God, so damned close.

As the Jeep spun wildly, she peered through the curtain of snow and pressed hard on the brakes, standing on them.

They had to stop, to find a way—

Jesus, was that the semi’s huge grill bearing down on them? Above the massive hood, the driver in the cab was chalk-faced and working the steering wheel.

“Get out of the way!” Jonas screamed as if the trucker could hear him. “Get the fuck out of the way!”

Too late!

They were going to hit!

The driver, so close, was blasting them with the horn and cranking the steering wheel hard.

“Shhiiiiit!” Jonas yelled.

Kara braced herself.


Eighteen wheels thundered through snow that had collected at the edge of the road. The top of the trailer skimming the lowest tree branches, ice sheering, limbs snapping, snow and needles and shards of wood flying over the truck, scattering across the road.

With a squeal of brakes, the tractor trailer seemed to move in slow motion as the cab swept past, the Cherokee still out of control, the back end of the truck swinging as the rig jackknifed.

“Fuck!” Jonas yanked even harder on the wheel.

The Jeep jerked, careening to the side of the road, just as the back end of the trailer clipped the SUV’s rear bumper.

Reeling faster and faster, the SUV spun crazily toward the piled snow on the edge of the road and the canyon beyond.
