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**The end of this chapter contains a graphic description of a sexual situation with a minor. (She is sixteen. He is twenty.) It may be skipped over as its contents are implied in other chapters.**

The last time I saw Tatum was at her Sweet Sixteen when her dad threw a big party on his Lurssen yacht. I knew Tatum. I’d been watching her for years. I knew her mannerisms, her facial expressions, and her quirks. She hated that party. But she loved the boat. She loved the water—with the exception of Crestview Lake, for obvious reasons—and she loved her parents, so she flashed her perfect, red-lipped smile, and she made the world believe it didn’t get any better than it was at that moment.

In life, I gave zero fucks.

Tatum gave too many.

At that party, one of Tatum’s father’s pervy friends kept pawing at her and making awkward conversation. Touching her all over the fucking place—her arms, her back, her face, tucking her hair behind her ear. Sick fucker. She was sixteen. He was at least thirty-five. She would smile and entertain him, but her body language told me all I needed to know. So, I slipped him some Ambien—not giving a single fuck about mixing it with alcohol—and watched his perverted ass pass out.

It wasn’t that I was some cockblocking douchebag who kept Tatum from dating. That wasn’t what this was about. It was about not letting predators, like him or that dickhead Kyle, take advantage of her. She already had enough shit to deal with from her own father trying to marry her off to boost his career. If a nice guy with a solid GPA and maybe an investment portfolio wanted to ram his dick down her throat, who was I to stop him? Fuckboys and perverts were off limits, though.

Which was why I had her hiked over my shoulder, carrying her through the cemetery to my car right now.


I was ninety percent sure Kyle dropped a Molly in her drink right before she downed half of it in one gulp. How she acted within the next thirty minutes or so would tell me if I was right.

“Caspian?” She said my name like she wasn’t sure who had scooped her ass up.

I didn’t answer her. Who else would it be?

Her fists beat on my back. Fucking cute as shit.

“Let me down.”

I kept walking.Not a chance.

“I mean it. I need to throw up.”

Nice try.“Then throw up.”

She growled. It was like a miniature Yorkie standing toe-to-toe with a Rottweiler. Her hands pounded my back again. Then as if she’d given up and sagged forward, there was a subtle slap on my ass. Then a gasp.

“Oh God. That was your butt.”

Yes, it was.

“I touched your butt.”

Yes, you did.

I followed the path past the second lake and the creepy-as-fuck church. We passed an all-white pavilion with a dome top and round concrete columns, then walked through the gothic, arched gates and to my car.

Chandler Carmichael was leaning his ass on my hood with his long legs stretched out in front of him. Chandler was my closest friend and the only person in this world I truly trusted without hesitation. His father was a world-class prick, and I couldn’t even tell you how many times his mom had tried to ride my dick. But Chandler was nothing like the rest of his family, thank God.

I slid Tatum down the front of my body and set her on her feet.

She wobbled a little, then brought her fingers to her temples like she was trying to regain focus after being upside down so long.

I slipped my hand in the front pocket of the tight-ass black jeans she was wearing.

Her eyes popped open wide. “What the hell are you doing?”

I grabbed her key fob and tossed it at Chandler’s chest. He caught it with ease. “You didn’t actually think I’d let you drive, did you?”

Her mouth fell open. “What about Lyric? She can drive. I’m not letting him…” she jammed a finger in Chandler’s direction. “…drive my car.”
