Page 9 of Hiding Forever

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Was I prepared for how stunning she is in person?

Not even a little.

That tan skin. Those yellow-green eyes framed by long black lashes. Those pouty, full lips. That silky, shoulder-length hair with its natural wavy texture. Those curves. Her body is about as perfect as it gets. Plump breasts, plump ass, small waist, full hips.

Images of her on the chaise lounge with her tan legs stretched to the end fill my brain. I’m hard in an instant. Like usual, I pleasure myself before leaving the shower, but this time—for the first time in a year—I picture Nova instead of my ex, Seraphina, the girl who broke my heart mere months before my old life ended and this new one in hiding began.

Much more relaxed, I dry off and dress in sweats and a T-shirt. My routine has been the same since I arrived: Wake up early, eat, occasionally surf before the crowds arrive, day trade in my room while eating lunch, add to my savings for a place of my own, make small talk with Gigi on my way to the gym, work out, eat, search the web for news on the two crime families who led to my life in hiding, and go to bed.

I sit at the desk in my bedroom and open my laptop. Then I repeat the dumbest action, which I’ve been doing for far too long. I pull up my ex-girlfriend’s Instagram and Facebook pages and spy on her like I’ve done so many times before. Why? I don’t know. I miss her? I miss having someone? I haven’t been in love with anyone since her?

I cyberstalk other people from my past, too—old friends and places I used to visit, clinging to a life that was stolen from me. Most of my good friends from that time don’t post anything anymore. Sera is constant, always on social media just like she was when we dated for a year. Maybe that’s why I stalk her the most. It’s a connection to my past. Whatever the reason, it isn’t healthy. I need to let it go. That life is gone. Over.

I’m about to close out from social media when I change my mind and type inNova Allen.

Pictures, gossip websites, and articles about her are everywhere.

Most of them are of her and her ex when they were together. Justice Bran is a pop-star icon. His music is good, but he’s always in trouble and breaking the law. I don’t know her that well but from what I know about Gigi and remember of Nova as a young girl, I don’t get the appeal of Justice for her. She was a sweet girl, never bragging about her family or inherent wealth. She liked to play and do silly things. She didn’t mind if she got sweaty or dirty or ruined her dress. Once she dared me to jump in the pool with my clothes on. She went first and was wearing a Disney princess gown Gigi had bought her that day. She didn’t do it out of disrespect, just for fun.

Her hair was always a mess back then because she played hard. I remember laughing a lot with her, although I don’t remember about what. I also remember thinking she had the coolest eyes. Sure, she was pretty. But the woman she grew into is breathtaking.

She’s the kind of beauty you can’t help but feel the universe spent extra time on. Like a sculptor perfecting his work. The maker got creative, and the reward goes to all who are lucky enough to gaze upon her.

She certainly was a catch for Justice. The guy is shorter and thinner than most men. Is his new wife attractive? Of course. She’s a model but she’s too thin for my taste. I don’t need a girl whose stomach muscles are as toned as mine.

He seems like an ass, too, because he married Hope shortly after his breakup with Nova. Who does that?

I laugh at myself. This is what happens when you live in seclusion. My only outlet to the world is social media. I would tell myself to get a life, but it’s a bit difficult when you’re in hiding.
