Page 39 of Unbroken

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They shed their towels and climbed under the covers after Zane laughingly divested the bed of at least a dozen throw pillows. “You’re so warm all the time,” Maggie told him yawning. She snuggled closer, resting one leg between his and laying her head on his chest.

Zane stroked her back and hip. He was surprised at how sleepy he was suddenly. He couldn’t keep his eyes open, not even to watch her. Just as he was about to drift off, he heard her speak. It was so soft, he thought he might have felt the words vibrate against his chest rather than hearing them. “I meant it, you know.”

It took him a minute to process what she was talking about but when he did, his heart spasmed in his chest. He gathered her in tighter to him. “I meant it too, more than you can know,” he said before he drifted off with a smile on his face.

Pounding on the door had them bolting upright in the bed. “Breakfast in ten!” a loud male voice said. Maggie glanced at the clock. 4:30 AM.

“I’m going to kill him!” Maggie growled, jumping from the bed and grabbing a silky, pink robe off her chaise.

Zane flopped back down on the bed. “He knew you weren’t going in this morning, right?”

“Yes, he did,” Maggie said angrily, “and I’m going to go give him a piece of my mind!”

Zane chuckled to himself. He did love fierce Maggie. “Don’t kill him until he finishes the bacon, sweetheart,” he said innocently. “I’m kinda hungry.”

She threw a throw pillow at him but he just grinned. “Okay, okay, forget the bacon. Go get him, tiger! I’ll be here when you’re done.”

Maggie wrenched open the door and slammed it behind her. JT was in for it.

“What in all that is holy do you think you’re about, Joshua Trent Wade?” Maggie demanded as she came through the door of the kitchen.

JT just continued to beat eggs in a bowl. “Well, last time he was here, y’all seemed to work up quite an appetite. Didn’t want to leave y’all hungry before I left for work,” he said innocently.

Maggie picked up an oven mitt and threw it at his head. “Four thirty, JT, four thirty in the morning! You did this just to devil me, I swear.”

JT couldn’t deny it as he poured eggs into a skillet for omelets. A cast iron pan already sizzled with bacon. “You can eat and go back to bed when I leave,” he suggested.

Maggie crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “I’m not hungry!” she insisted, but then her body betrayed her, and her stomach growled loudly in response to the delicious scents coming from the pans on the stove.

He threw her a grin. “I don’t think your stomach agrees.”

She slumped in defeat. “Fine! Now that you’ve woken me up, I’m starving,” she admitted.

“Go get your man. I’ll leave everything on the table. I’ve got to get out of here and get cooking at work before Mr. Billings and his hands show up for their Saturday breakfast.”

Maggie sighed heavily and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Thanks for breakfast, brother mine,” she said, “but next time, just let us sleep. We’ll eat cereal if necessary.”

“Not in my house, you won’t,” JT declared, patting her hands. “Now let me finish so I can get going.”

Maggie walked back down the hall ready to drag Zane to the kitchen for breakfast. JT grinned as he slid the omelets and bacon onto plates. He was trying to do something nice, but he hadn’t been able to resist adding a little devilment to the good deed as well.
