Page 52 of Unbroken

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She sighed. She really wanted to know what was in that note before Maggie got a hold of it, but she knew Felicity wasn’t going to let her have a peek. Dammit to hell, Zane Savage. Why are you making me deal with your bullshit?

Maggie barely registered Dani and Levi leaving. She stared at the black TV screen in front of her as her mind raced. She remembered what a wonderful time they had been having at Mama Tried, how excited she’d been for the concert, the love she’d felt for Zane as he held her on the dance floor. Everything had been perfect, until it wasn’t. Until she had demanded to go by herself to the restrooms and got herself attacked in the process. Why hadn’t she paid more attention? She’d promised Zane and JT to be careful. Zane had warned her about how crazy Shawna was. Dani had even warned her, but she’d known better. Her self-defense training was useless if she wasn’t paying attention to her surroundings. She’d let herself be attacked from behind and couldn’t even tell the police who had done it. Zane had seen Shawna in the club, but there was no way to actually prove she had been the one to attack her because she had been stupid. Stupid and over confident and now Zane didn’t want to deal with her drama anymore. He had left her and it was all her fault.

As her mind spun, a knock came at the door and her nurse entered the room carrying a tray and a cup with two pills in it. “Good morning,” she said, her voice cheerful but quiet. “I have breakfast and some pain meds for you. I’m sure your head is pounding.”

“Thanks,” Maggie said listlessly, “but I’m not really hungry.”

“I need you to try to eat a few bites, Miss Wade,” Felicity requested. “These meds will make you nauseous if you don’t eat a little something. Even if you can get some toast and juice down, that will help.”

Felicity placed the tray on the bedside table and scooted it up so Maggie could reach everything easily. She poured her a little more water and handed her the cup, tipping the pills into her palm. Maggie took them then reached for a piece of toast.

“Also, I have this for you. Dr. Savage left it with me to give to you this morning.” She brought the note from her pocket and handed it to Maggie. “I’m going off shift now, but Carolyn will be in shortly to introduce herself and get your discharge paperwork started,” She smiled sweetly at her patient. “I hope you feel better soon.”

Maggie stared at the piece of paper in her hand for several long moments after Felicity had left. Her breakfast forgotten and growing cold on the tray. Finally, she took a deep breath and opened it. She recognized Zane’s scribble and almost laughed. He had such stereotypical doctor handwriting. Chicken scratch she’d often called it. The laugh seized up in her throat, however, when she realized this is the last thing she would ever read from him. She closed her eyes and counted her heartbeats, willing herself to read it and get it over with. When she did, she felt her few bites of breakfast threaten to come back up.

My darling Maggie,

I’ve been sitting here for the last two hours watching you sleep. You’re so beautiful. I can’t believe how lucky I’ve been to have you in my life. I can’t express how sorry I am that you are lying here hurt and in pain because of me. Had I just manned up last year and reported Shawna to the police, none of this would have happened to you. My pride got in the way then and now you’re paying the price. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but I have to stay away from you. Shawna will have no reason to hurt you again if I’m not near you. It tears my heart out that it has to be this way, but I can’t take the chance that you could be hurt even worse because of me. You are the most special woman I’ve ever met. You’re perfect. Never doubt how much I’ve loved you. Will always love you. Promise me you won’t close yourself off. Find a man that can love you and take care of you better than I’ve been able to. I’ll miss you with every breath, but this has to be the end of us. I’m so sorry, sweetheart.



The note fell from numb fingers as she finished it. Copious tears ran from her eyes without any sound accompanying them but that of her heart breaking completely in two.

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