Page 42 of One Little Victory

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She nodded, and so did I, not wanting to push the issue but hoping to leave a window open if she needed to reach out. Brad held up his hands, and any lingering chattering stopped as his eyes moved around the room. When they landed on me, I held his gaze until he looked away, keeping the image of gray eyes in the forefront of my mind so the anxiety stayed away.

When I closed the door to my house and slipped off my heels, my shoulders drooped. I should text the girls, but my brain couldn’t handle reanalyzing the afternoon or the sympathy that would follow. There was a reason his name was a banned topic of conversation. The four of us talked in circles about that man, and it never changed a damn thing.

As a last-ditch effort to get them off my case, I created an online profile for a random internet dating site. They were convinced I’d find a guy to show me not all of them were mother-fucking cheaters. Yeah, nope. My first and last date was with Ben, Stacy Carter’s then-fiancé, proving most men were, in fact, ass-goblins.

The hinges on my bed creaked as I sat down on the edge and stared at my phone, feeling guilty for wanting to talk to Simon. I could hear Olivia saying it meant I was ready to open my heart again or some bullshit like that. But really, I knew Simon wouldn’t ask me to elaborate or talk about my feelings. He’d listen, and fuck if that didn’t sound better than anything I’d done all day.

“Damn it all,” I said, tapping his name on the screen and waiting while it rang. Scooting back on the bed, I leaned against the headboard, adjusting the pillows and groaning as the tension seeped from my shoulders.

“Hi, honey.”

“Hey, you.” I pressed my fingers on my right temple and rubbed, stifling a moan with how good it felt and wishing I’d thought to get undressed and in the tub with a martini.

“Whoa. Long day?” There was background noise and shuffling before my cell beeped with a notification for a video call.

I lifted the phone higher and accepted, smiling when Simon’s face filled the screen. He was sitting outside wearing his usual black button-down, but the top three buttons were undone, revealing pale skin and a light dusting of chest hair. Tendrils of blue smoke swirled around his face, and his hair hung limply to the side like he’d given up trying to keep it out of his face.

“I didn’t know you smoked.”

“I don’t,” he said, leaning closer to the phone while bringing the cigarette to his lips. He closed his eyes and held the smoke in his lungs before looking up and exhaling. “But there’s a unique blend of clove and tobacco a buddy of mine imports from Australia, and sometimes it’s nice to indulge.”

I never was one to like smoking or think of it as anything more than a gross habit. But the way Simon held the cigarette between his lips made it look positively sinful.

“Olive oil from Greece and cigarettes from Australia. It seems like there are lots of things you like to indulge in, Simon.”

“You caught me, honey. I’m a man who’s not afraid of enjoying the finer things. How was your day? You sound stressed.”

“You could tell from hearing me say two words?” I asked, leaning forward and tilting my head.

“Yeah.” He matched my pose, leaning closer and waiting—damn if I didn’t want to spill my guts, sharing every horrible detail.

“Today was awful. I ran into someone from my past, and I’m wiped even though I handled it like a boss.”

“How about I come over, and you sit on my face and tell me more about this awful day, honey?”

I sputtered and dropped the phone on my lap, gasping out a breath. Snatching it up, I stared at him expecting to see a grin but was met with his usual indifferent glare and another deep drag of the cigarette.

“Would that make you feel better? Straddling my face and letting me lap your sweet pussy until my face is covered with your juices. I’ll keep going until you come so hard I can barely breathe because you’ll be squeezing your thighs so tightly around my head.”

“Simon…” my voice trailed off, and my mouth stayed open, gaping at him with soaked panties and flushed cheeks.

“Addison?” He brought the phone close enough for me to see the swirls of gray in his eyes and I nodded, captivated in their depths. “Is your mind off whatever asshole made your day awful?”


“Good, because we will revisit you coming on my face when you’re feeling better.”


“Okay. Now talk to me, honey. About anything.”

“How did it go with your dad? You know, before the library?” I readjusted myself on the bed, waiting for my heart rate to go back to normal, and watching Simon puff out his cheeks. He tried to slick his hair back, but it fell to the side and he rolled his eyes, the exasperation on his face adorable.

“Going straight for the kill, aren’t you?” he said, trying to fix his hair one more time before giving up and focusing on the screen.

“You don’t have to talk about it,” I offered, crossing one leg over the other.

“No, it’s fine. You should know I tore into him for his comment about the reporter’s ex. Whatever the fuck that situation was, he had no right to speak to you that way.”
