Page 62 of One Little Victory

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“This is my house, after all. I didn’t mean to listen in, but I couldn’t help myself after overhearing the word… What was it? Douche-ka-noozle?”

“Douche-nozzle,” I said, mortified as a blush crept up my cheeks, hiding my face behind one hand. A loud laugh drifted in from the party, and Nana and I glanced at the open office door before her penetrating eyes found mine.

“Oh, stop that, girl,” she said, popping my arm with a grin. “I’m filing that insult away for my next rummy game. And I had to make sure you weren’t talking about my darling grandson now, didn’t I? I’d box his ears if he ever did something to deserve that particular profanity.”

“Oh. No,” I said, putting the champagne glass on the desk and grasping her hands in mine. I shook my head venomously, my hair escaping from behind my ears and swishing around my face.

“Simon’s been nothing but a complete gentleman. Well, stubborn and pompous at times, but these last weeks with him have been amazing. Beth welcomed me into her home without question. I’ve grown to appreciate Simon so much—for exactly who he is, imperfections and all. He’s the kind of person who will help you achieve your dreams and celebrate when you do. But if you don’t and your heart breaks, he’ll still be there to pick up the pieces.”

Nana smiled at the sentiment, and I hoped I said the right thing. When all this went to shit, I wanted her to remember what kind of man Simon was. But with the way her eyes twinkled, I knew there was nothing to worry about.

“Spoken like a smitten woman in love,” Nana replied, squeezing my hand gently before letting go.

“What. Um. No,” I sputtered, shaking my head so hard again I got a mouthful of hair. “Temporary. Reputations.”

“Come now, Addison. No one is that good of an actress. You don’t speak about someone like that unless there are real feelings. I can guarantee Simon feels the same. The man is head-over-heels in love with you, and I’ll be more than happy to knock your heads together if needed. You’ll see I’m right in the end. Now tell me what that phone call was about, then we’ll rejoin the party.”

“Right. Oh,” I said, smoothing out my waves. “An intern at my office is receiving inappropriate advances from her professor. One I have the unfortunate pleasure of knowing. She doesn’t want to involve the authorities because there are rumors of this being a pattern. I’m trying to help without dragging her into the middle of it.”

“Interesting,” she said, threading her arm with mine and leading us out of the office. The laughter got louder as we walked down the hallway, and I swear I could almost see the gears turning in her head. I had to nip this in the bud fast before she told Simon or started investigating.

“Um, this isn’t exactly common knowledge, Nana Kelly.”

“I wouldn’t dream of betraying your trust or involving myself, dear. But remember, should you need it, my wealth and reach are limitless and at your disposal.”

That was intimidating. And a little fucking scary. Score one for Nana Kelly.

She patted my hand as we walked down the hallway. “After all, the truth is out there.”

What? Nana watches Nineties Sci-Fi?

I stopped and stared, tilting my head as a sly, knowing smile passed over her features like she was privy to a wealth of secrets.

“Are you an X-Files fan, Nana Kelly?”

“Pish,” she said with a wave of her hand before threading her arm in mine and leading me further down the hall. “I am the biggest X-Files fan there is.”

“We need to compare notes one day. I’ll bet I could give you a run for your money.”

“Hmm. I look forward to that, dear.”

I shook my head at the bizarre way the conversation ended as we entered the living room, taking in the scene and picking up another glass of champagne. Beth was in the center of the room wearing a pink sash and tiara with boobs super-glued to the front. She spun her dark-haired friend around, who was blindfolded and holding a lopsided pair of boobs printed on computer paper before letting her go toward a cardboard cutout of a naked girl, clad only in a pair of panties. The dark-haired girl, Betty, I think her name was, made a valiant attempt to get the boobs in the right place, but stuck them to the model’s belly button.

Everyone laughed as Betty removed her blindfold, putting her hand on her hip when she saw the result.

“That’s no laughing matter, ladies,” Nana said, picking up a bottle of elderflower liquor and adding a dollop to her champagne. “Yours very well could be that low in thirty years.”

The entire room broke out in laughter, and even Beth’s mom, Katrina, did a terrible job covering her smile with her glass. She caught my eye and patted the cushion next to her, where I reluctantly took a seat and reached for a circular cucumber sandwich, complete with an olive nipple. Nana sure knew how to throw a Bye Bye Boobie party.

“How have you been, Addison? Robert and I missed you at the hospital ribbon-cutting and would still enjoy your company one Sunday for brunch. We also hope we can count on your attendance at the Fall Ball with Simon.”

So formal.

I sat up straighter and finished my sandwich, plucking the half-empty champagne bottle from the coffee table and filling up our glasses while I chewed.

“Yes. I apologize for that, Katrina. An unavoidable commitment came up at work.”

“Will you be attending the Fall Ball?”
