Page 57 of A Million to Stay

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She climbs right into my lap. My heart squeezes. I look up at Brodi’s mom and she gives me an apologetic smile.

“I stay here with you. Pretty,” she says, holding up the doll she has clenched in her tiny hand. With her other hand, she touches my face. “Pretty lady, pretty baby.”

My lips part when I look at the doll. She does look like me. She has red hair, brown skin, and hazel eyes. She even has freckles. I can’t help but wonder if her father gave it to her.

“She’s very pretty,” I say. “Like you.”

Her little cheeks glow. Her tiny teeth show. My eyes mist over as I feel the boulder that blows through my chest.

“Chloe, sweetie. I think we should let Ms. Cee get settled in,” her grandmother says softly to her.

“No, we stay here. We leave, she no be here,” she says sadly.

I swipe quickly at my tears. My mother used to always say you don’t punish a child for their parents’ sins. I hear a child in need. Maybe I need her just as much as she needs me.

Perhaps time with her will fortify my heart against her father, instead of me yearning for him to soothe the pain he caused. I run my fingers through her soft locks. Her eyes bounce between me and her grandmother.

“It’s okay. Maybe Chloe can help me get settled into my room. Then we can all take a trip out. I think I’d like some fresh air and to see some sights. I haven’t been out much since arriving,” I say to his mother.

A smile comes to her face. Those gray eyes searching mine. She’s a pretty woman. I can see why her sons are so handsome.

“Fair enough. I think both Chloe and I would like that. I’m Eileen, by the way. Gregor’s mother,” she says.

“Nice to meet you,” I reply.

“Oh no, dear. I’m very happy to finally get to meet you. You have been the source behind my son becoming the man he is, whether you two know it or not,” she says.

“I don’t know about that.”

“Trust me. I do,” she says.

* * *


“Hello, mother. Where are you?” I say into the phone.

“We’re doing a little shopping. Why on earth do you sound like the world is coming to an end?”

“Is Chloe with you?” I rush out.

“Ah, I see,” she says with a smile in her voice. “Would you be talking about little Chloe or the lovely Cee?”

“Mother,” I groan.

“Yes, they are both with me. Cee has taken Chloe to the restroom. I’m watching our things,” she says.

“Where are you? I’m on my way,” I say as I start for the door.

I couldn’t help the panic that rose when I arrived at the house and Chloe was gone. It took my staff informing me that she went out with my mother and daughter to calm me down somewhat.

I’ve still been ready to tear my hair out. I can’t believe they ran into each other. My mother and daughter were supposed to be gone by the time Cee arrived to head to her quarters.

“I don’t think that’s best. Give her time, Gregor. This hasn’t been easy for her. I think you joining us will create more distance than you might want. I’ve been watching her. She’s a very strong woman… but there will always be one’s limits,” she warns.

I stop in my tracks and crease my brows as I think over her words. What if she’s right? I blow out a breath and run my hand through my hair.

“Fine.” I nod as if she can see me.
