Page 7 of A Million to Stay

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His anger fills the room, matching my own. It took me five and a half years to get where I am. Five and a half years to stand on my own two feet, without my father’s help or his name.

When I left for Morocco, I left the Hennessy name behind, along with the childish Brodi I’d become. I couldn’t bring myself to be called by the name my brother once used as an endearment. I was too embarrassed to hear the five letters my love once cried out in my ear.

I’m a different man from the one I left behind. The man I left behind has regrets, he failed to find solutions. He walked out on the woman he loved to rebuild his life. For five and a half years, I’ve tried to convince myself I did what was right.

“Clay, he doesn’t get to win. Not like this. Not after what I’ve given up.”

“He won’t, but we might have to play his game. Luckily, Cane has time. That might work to our advantage. Only the two of us have to look like we’re going through with this.”

My heart pulses like an open wound. This is the last thing I need. I can’t be forced into another thing in my life.

I won’t survive it. I’m already shredded from the cages I’ve busted through. The vise grip I’m in is threatening to crush me as it is.

I tell myself over and over, I left because Chloe had a life of her own. She had responsibilities I couldn’t drag her away from. Yet, for five and a half years I’ve had a hole in my chest. Now this.

“Play his game,” I seethe. “Clay, the man is trying to force us into marriage. He wants to control our future. This isn’t right. This is our empire. We built every single thing we have. We’ve out-earned anything that has the Hennessy name on it.”

“How dare he try this shit? I’m not marrying some woman of his choosing just to please him,” I bellow.

“Then don’t. It doesn’t say we have to marry who he wants. Just that we have to marry and take over the family business. Once we’re engaged, he’ll back off. Then I can find us a way out of this.”

I work my jaw as I think over his words. I’m thirty-eight and never married because there’s only one woman for me. If I can’t have Chloe, I’ll die alone. I’ve tried to move on only to have it blow up in my face.

I know for a fact it’s Chloe or nothing. I could have come for her sooner. I almost did, but I promised her that I’d never bother her again.

I tried. I tried to stay away. The woman is just my weakness. I stay away from New York as much as I can because her presence is too much of a temptation.

I’m proud of her. She hasn’t reached the level she talked about, but I see she’s worked her ass off. I know she’ll do it in time.

I often wonder what happened to set her back. She was neck and neck with Sidney, but somehow, Sidney James became a star and Chloe has been coasting. She’s hardworking, but still, something seems to be holding her back.

“Are you suggesting what I think you are?”

“Yes, I’m ready to go after Sidney. This is an open door. I need her and she could use me. May the chips fall where they may,” he replies. “I think a million dollars will make this all the more appealing.”

“What?” Cane chokes out. “You’re not serious. Do you always offer so much?”

“Never, but Sidney is different. I’ll do what’s necessary.”

“What do you know about her? About the people in her life? Clay, you have so much more at stake now.”

My anger rises. Chloe is a part of Sidney’s life. Cane knows nothing about her, but his comment still sets me off. Clay’s decision will bring Chloe into my world one way or another.

“I’ve been studying Sidney and her life for almost a year and a half. I know all about her and the people in her life. You just focus on getting lost so Dad doesn’t speed up your time line,” Clayton replies. “Gregor, this is what we need to do.”

I shake my head. This is all nuts. I have no right to do this, but now the idea is rooted in my brain. I release a breath.

“That’s easy for you to say. My options aren’t as promising. Honestly, you really think I should offer someone a million dollars to marry me?”

“Make it promising. What’s a million to you? Make an offer. It’s less than we stand to lose if we don’t do something. For now, it’s a proposal. I know you have someone in mind.”

That I do. I’ve wondered not once if Chloe’s lack of progress has anything to do with me, with us. I noticed the change when I left. Yes, I’ve kept an eye on her all these years. As soon as I was able to, I started to keep tabs on her.

I was frustrated those first few months, not knowing, not having the means to be sure she was okay. It was what I feared most, not being there for her if she needed me.

There had been a point where I didn’t think my brothers and I would pull it off. Then Clayton closed a deal that yielded us millions. Things seemed to catch fire from there. I sealed the deals I was working on, and we were building our net worth hand over fist.

I wanted to run home and claim my woman, but I’d hurt her, and I couldn’t bring myself to see that hurt again. So, I’ve suffered. I’ve held so much regret.
