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Four years later…

The differences between my former high school and Charleston Academy are distinctive as Dad pulls into the parking lot.

Minus the required uniform—white shirt, burgundy tie, and gray bottoms—luxury cars are all over the place. Even the school looks vast and esteemed as if only royalty attends.

Anxious, I bite on my bottom lip while staring out the window, hoping to spot some melanin among the students.

I mean, from research, I already know not a lot of black kids go to Charleston. But I hope I’m not the only one.

Regardless, I’m excited I won the scholarship to complete my senior year at the academy.

“Nervous, baby girl?” Dad asks, patting my shoulder.

I glance at him and manage a smile. “Just a little.”

He brushes my jaw with the back of his hand the way he always does, and that relaxes me. “No matter what, remember you deserve to be here. You are smart and talented, and you earned that scholarship.”

His encouragement warms my heart. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Hm.” He peers out the window. “I’ll come in with you.”

“No, it’s fine,” I assure. “You have to get to the bakery. I’m a big girl, Dad.”

“I know.” He smiles. “Well, I hope you have a great first day.”

“Thanks. See you later. I’ll take the bus.”

A scowl forms, accentuating the fine wrinkles at the corners of his deep brown eyes. “Kay, it’s a bit of a walk from the academy to the bus stop. Are you sure?”

“I’ll manage, Dad. Really.”

After a sharp sigh, he concedes. “Okay. Hurry on now. Don’t be late.”

“See you.” I get out and wave before starting towards the entrance.

Curious gazes observe me. I hear whispers, people wondering who I am.

Tipping my chin high, I continue inside and follow the signs down a long hallway to the guidance counselor’s office.

I knock and enter after the invite.

Ms. Hall straightens from her leather chair, powder-blue eyes twinkling with kindness as she chirps, “Hi, Kayla. Happy first day at Charleston.”

“Thank you, Ms. Hall.”

She hands over a paper and a small card. “Your schedule and locker number. Anything you’re curious about?”

I wear a smile while answering, “No. I’m all set.”

“Well, all right then. Don’t be late.” Ms. Hall playfully shoos. “And Kayla, if at any time you feel overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to come see me.”

“Thank you.”

Leaving her office, I veer back in the direction I came. Nervousness threatens to overwhelm me, but I pull at strength my sister would have and continue my steps amid the stares.

“You look lost,” a male voice discerns.
