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It’s already lunch by the time I reach school. I’m beyond pissed, but I manage to stay calm as I walk by fellow students in search of Madison Sutton.

I spot the snooty bitch and her minions at their usual table in the cafeteria. She’s leading the laughter and chit-chat.

Perhaps she’s reveling about all the destruction of property she’s committed in the past few days.

Madison spent three years trying to make me her boyfriend, despite my annoyance. She’s even attended Britney’s glamorous birthday parties with that intent. Crazy how though we’re twins, I evade celebrating and chill at the guest house while my sister has her fun.

But back to Madison. She’s already made it clear she’s annoyed with Kayla for having my attention. She has a motive.

Walking over, the girls sitting across from her straighten in fear and surprise.

Madison twists, glossy pink lips curling at the same time that her brown eyes sparkle.

“Brandon,” she chirps. “What’s up?”

“Come with me,” I deadpan and turn away.

She follows as I tread from the cafeteria, stride down the hallway, and go outside to the garden.

When we’re alone, she says, “I hear you’re touching that nobody. Maybe you and I—”

“Shut up!” I wheel around. “You’re so pathetic.” It wipes the grin off her face. “That’s what you do when you don’t get what you want? You destroy things?”

Madison nervously backs up to the wall as I creep closer with my fists clenched.

“Brandon, I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stutters.

“No? So you didn’t sneak into my guest house and demolished my girlfriend’s paintings? Which she worked so fucking hard to complete. You didn’t damage her dad’s bakery out of jealousy?”

Her eyes enlarge. “What the hell? That wasn’t me!”

“You ripped sketches of me from Kayla’s book,” I growl in her face.

Madison profusely shakes her head. “No. It wasn’t. I swear it! I haven’t messed with Kayla since you threatened my dad’s dealership.”

“So that’s why you did it then. You wanted to get back at me by messing with her.”

“No!” she shrieks. “I don’t give a damn about that bitch!”

That aggravates me more. I point a finger in her face and grind out, “You little—”

“Bran, back up!” Eric bellows across from us. Britney is right next to him.

“She’s so not worth getting arrested over,” Britney remarks, throwing her hands up.

I huff and flick back to Madison. “She’s the only one getting arrested.”

“You have zero proof,” she argues.

“Oh, so it was you?” Kayla’s voice resounds.

I glance at my girlfriend. She looks livid, glaring at Madison with her arms folded.

Sam’s standing beside her, curious.

“No proof means it wasn’t me,” Madison insists. She snaps her head to me. “Now back the fuck off, you psycho.”
