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He clucks his tongue and eases Britney away to embrace me, whispering at my ear, “It’s close enough. I’ll be haunting your body daily.”

I harrumph and back out of the hug, flashing him a naughty bite of my lip.

“Let’s have cake,” Dad announces, then hurries around back to retrieve the chocolate and carrot cakes he secretly prepared, with ‘Congratulations Kayla’ written on the carrot one. My favorite.

While everyone banters amid eating, Brandon hauls me to the window. I glance outside at the light February snowfall.

“I’m very proud of you, little artist,” he says. “And I’m going to miss you so much this summer.”

I angle my head and smile at him. “I’m surprised you haven’t booked a ticket to Rome. That you’re letting me go without you.”

Brandon narrows his gaze. “Is that a challenge?”

“I’m kidding.” I raise my shoulders in a dramatic shrug. “I think it’s good to travel on my own, come into myself.”

“It’s a struggle to let you go so far from me. But I’m pushing myself to be less obsessive.”

I crumple my brows and smirk. “Which is why you chose to attend college in New York, even though you were accepted elsewhere.”

He stiffens his jaw. “Three months is the only amount of distance I’ll take from you, and even that’s a pain. I refuse to be states apart for four years, anticipating semester breaks.”

I linger on his face, wondering if I’ll be with Brandon for that long. If he’ll still feel this intensely after summer.

“Tell me,” he demands, realizing I’m in deep thought.

“You think our relationship will last throughout college?”

“Even longer.” My skin warms as he lightly caresses my cheek. “Dare me, little artist. Dare me so I can prove it. Because I love you to no end.”

“I love you, too.” While I believe in us, I can’t help feeling turned on by the way Brandon gets whenever I test him. Dipping my head, I peer up at him and say in a flirty tone, “I dare you.”

He growls under his breath and steps closer, whispering at my lips, “The moment you said you’re mine, you agreed to forever.” He kisses me softly.

“All right, you two,” Dad calls out. “How about rejoining the rest of us, huh.”

Everyone giggles.

I look back at Brandon, wink, then say quietly, “Let’s finish this later.”

“Damn right, I intend to.”
