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I snap back to her. “Did any of that happen to you?”

She wobbles her head. “Thankfully, no.” She chips at her blue nail polish in thought. “Girls can still be petty, though, especially when you’re not a size zero.”

I frown, empathetic towards her. “Sorry, Sam. Unfortunately, shitty people exist.”

“It’s fine. I’ve dealt with it, and have gotten tougher.” Her grin resurfaces, along with the twinkle in her eyes. “You should come to Heath Turner’s party on Friday. It’s for seniors.”

I touch my neck, iffy. But the pleading look on her face makes me cave. “Sure. Why not.”

“Awesome. Let’s exchange numbers.” Sam hands me her phone, and I do the same.

“Oh my gosh,” she whispers in glee, gray orbs fastened to the door.

I slant in my seat, noting the beautiful blonde with pale skin, piercing blue gaze, and a petite frame. Even her movements exude elegance. She purses her glossy pink lips while strolling to the seat next to Brandon.

He sucks his teeth and refocuses on his phone.

“A popular chick?” I mutter to Sam. “Seems he doesn’t have a problem with her.”

Sam nods. “That’s Britney Decker. Brandon’s twin. She’s the approachable one. I’m pretty much nobody here, but Britney invited me to her last three birthday parties.”

I snort. “They’re twins. It’s not only hers.”

“Brandon hates having too many people around him. At each party, he stayed in the guest house after they cut their cake.”

“That sounds kind of depressing.”

She shrugs a shoulder. “Dude has issues.”

I observe Britney again, spotting the resemblance: the same ash-blonde hair and eye color.

Mr. Worley, our social studies teacher, enters the room. A broad grin on his aged face as he peers around. “Welcome to your senior year, young ones. It’s a beautiful day. Winter will be here before we know it. So,” He claps once, “how about we head outside to the garden for our first class?”

That’s nice.

Everyone starts gathering their things. We file out of the room and follow Mr. Worley to the massive garden, filled with trimmed shrubs, countless roses, and well-shaded by trees—a perfect setting to paint.

I can envision it on a canvas.

The vibrant colors would bring the artwork to life.

“Relax anywhere and read the first two chapters of your textbook,” Mr. Worley instructs after roll call.

He lowers by the oak tree and takes out a folder.

Sam and I sit side by side. Others do the same.

I’m unable to stop myself from peeking at Brandon. He’s sitting next to his sister with his legs outstretched and crossed at the ankles, ample space between them.

Instead of reading, she’s moping and picking at the manicured grass. Something seems to be bothering her.

I try to focus on the chapter, but curiosity grips the better of me, and I look at them again.

Brandon’s now quietly arguing with his sister, features scrunched up in annoyance.

Britney combs her fingers through her long hair and waves him off.

“Don’t,” she grunts. “Just let it go.”
