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Madison and her friends are giggling as they enter the cafeteria with half an hour left in the lunchbreak. Her smug grin stirs disdain at her glance in my direction as they continue to their usual table.

“Want to shoot pool after school?” Steve asks Eric and me.

“I’m game,” Eric replies, then looks at me.

“I’m hanging out with Kayla,” I tell them. “Maybe after.”

Steve narrows his gaze while gradually bobbing.

“So you and the new girl are really going out now?” he confirms in disbelief.

“Her name’s Kayla, not new girl, and yeah.” I slide my phone out when it vibrates in my pocket.

My brows go up at Kayla’s text. She wants to meet in private. That makes me both excited and nervous.

I’ve been watching the entrance of the cafeteria, but she never came.

Pushing to my feet, I say, “Catch you guys later.” Then text Kayla on my way to the old stone tower at the back of the school among the trees.

I tap on the makeshift door in case a couple is inside fooling around. Sure the coast is clear, I enter and lean against the wall, waiting for Kayla.

Light pours into the circular structure from the antique window, so it’s not too dark during the day.

The door creaks open shortly. Kayla walks in, hugging herself at the chest.

I ease from the wall; forehead creased as I observe her. She seems troubled.

“What’s the matter?” I ask, wanting to make whatever is bothering her disappear.

Kayla puffs a sharp breath and moves her hands, revealing the red splotches on her shirt and tie. “Could I please borrow your tee?”

“Tell me who did that,” I demand. From her expression, I know someone inflicted it, like the nasty shit they posted to her back.

She draws air through her teeth. “Apparently, people think I’m not worthy of your attention.”

I clench my jaw and fists, asking, “Who?”

Kayla frowns and nods at my chest. “The tee? All I’m wearing underneath is a sports top, and I doubt my teachers will be okay with that.”

“I’ll buy a shirt for—”

“Please don’t, Brandon,” she argues. “I’m tired of being your charity case. That’s what everyone calls me. Stop buying me things.”

I sag from the frustration in her tone. “Fine. Turn around.” There’s no way I’ll disclose my atrocity. She’s already curious as to why I’m fearful of touching. If she saw my body, she’ll either want to know everything or run away in horror. I’m not ready for either.

Kayla moves to a shadowy corner, facing the wall as she removes her shirt.

I loosen the tie and back out of mine. I stall at the hem of my tee, watching Kayla.

Her brown skin is so pretty. I yearn to trail my hands over her body. Last night when we were on the phone amid pleasuring ourselves, I almost drove to her house to bury my cock inside her.

Snapping out of it, I haul the tee over my head and hurry to put my shirt back on.

“Here,” I say, stepping forward to drape the tee over her shoulder without touching her.

Kayla slips into it and turns to me. “Thank you.” My white tee is a bit large on her, of course. But she’s cute.
