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Oh, fuck me and my big mouth. “Long story. Do you have coffee ready? I’m dying.”

“It’s brewing,” she says archly. “But you’re just going to completely skate past the part where you said multiple people tied you up last night? At your request?”


“Withholding, much?” she mutters, turning to get my coffee.

“Nosy much?” I call after her with a laugh. She’s back in five minutes with a steaming cup of black coffee and a garment bag. She sets the coffee down on my desk and holds out the garment bag.

“Here, I found this in the studio. You need something to cover those arms if you’re going to sit through all your meetings today without questions.”

“Thank you,” I say, taking the bag. “Wait, how many meetings do I have?” I ask with a frown. I don’t remember scheduling anything.

“Eleven,” she says with a wince. “Thirty minutes with each of the local marketing firms that are available. It was only going to be ten meetings, but a friend got me in touch with a brand-new firm. She says their work is incredible.”

“I don’t know about new…” I worry my lip with my teeth. “I’d like someone with experience.”

“Oh, they have experience, they worked for Gruber and Sons before opening their own firm. If you don’t want to see them, I can cut them from the day.”

“No, let’s keep it. You never know, right? Thank you, Kelly. You’re a rockstar.”

* * *

My day drags by. I should be focusing on my meetings. That pesky little thing called marketing is what keeps businesses afloat, after all. But my mind is wandering like a drunk frat boy in an unfamiliar city. Thank God Kelly is taking notes and kicking my foot when I zone out. I should give her a raise.

Per my request to keep our situation quiet, Kelly didn’t tell anyone what they were pitching. She just asked them to bring portfolios and told them it’s a women-centric apparel company. It’s clear some people listened. They come armed with examples that are actually a great fit. Others though… Not so much.

I’m on my sixth cup of coffee by meeting number ten, and as Jackson and associates present a campaign they recently launched for a trendy toothbrush company, my mind drifts. Leo tugs my hair, forcing me to look up into his bottle green eyes. Eyes so deep I could drown in them. Thorin’s hands stroke my torso, pulling the ropes snug. His hand squeezing my neck, telling me how pretty I am when I come; what a good girl I am for him.

And oh my god. Mal’s voice. That gravelly rumble that echoed in my soul. You’re going to have to beg us to stop. We’re going to take turns fucking this tight little pussy. “...As you can see, the subscription model tripled sales of the replacement toothbrush heads, and customer satisfaction actually increased by a factor of…” We’re going to fuck you hard, fill all these sexy little holes until our cum is dripping out of you — spilling down your pretty legs so everyone knows what a filthy little whore you are for us.“

The toe of Kelly’s pump jams against the side of my calf under the conference table, and I have to clear my throat to cover the whimper. There is definitely a bruise developing in that spot. I smile at her and try to pay attention to the toothbrush guys.

Finally, and I do mean, finally, they wrap it up. I thank them for their time and have Kelly show them out, sagging back into my chair. “God, I thought they’d never finish,” I tell her once she returns, a seventh cup of coffee in her hand.

“That’s what she said,” Kelly responds with a laugh. I chuckle and slide down in my chair with a dramatic moan. “Come on, just one more, then we can duck out for happy hour.” Kelly’s tone is bracing, but I can’t tell if those words are meant for me or if she is giving herself a pep talk.

“I’m sorry I’m a mess today.” I take a sip of the fresh coffee, wondering what the lethal limit of caffeine might be and how many more cups I can have before I get too close.

“Bree, I say this with all the love in the world.” Kelly places her hands on my desk and leans over it. “You’re a disaster today. Did you even listen to the pitches?”

“Yes!” I exclaim, but add a qualifier. “Most of it.” Kelly snorts. “You have to admit, those were dry campaigns. They were fine, I guess, but nothing stood out.”

“Well, you’ve got one more to get through. Maybe they’ll surprise you.”

“Maybe…” I shrug. “But I doubt it.”
