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My jaw drops. That is the single sexiest thing I have ever heard. “But if you lie to me or ignore your own needs, you’re going to be punished. You know what Thorin up there will do to you?”

I shake my head, well aware that I’m staring at him like a starstruck teenager. Mallon lowers his face to mine. I’m expecting a kiss, but he presses his thumb between my lips, holding my lower jaw like a misbehaving pet. When he speaks, it’s just a low whisper, but there’s no mistaking who’s in charge.

“Thor will tie you up, suspend you from our ceiling, and let you think about your choices. Maybe we’ll fuck you, maybe we won’t, but you’ll have plenty of time to reflect. You’ve already gotten a taste of Leo’s brand, but if you think you’re sore after a little flogger play, wait until he puts you over his knee and gets out his paddle. You’ll be standing for a week.”

Fuck me. I have to keep reminding myself this is punishment he’s describing. I get that most women would balk at the idea of being suspended like that; put on display like an interesting light fixture. But just the thought of it adds fresh arousal to the desperate situation between my thighs.

“And me? Oh, pet. I will spool you up, and torture you with orgasms.” I try not to grin around his thumb, but the effort makes the muscles in my cheeks twitch; something that Mallon absolutely does not miss. “I can see what you’re thinking,” he says with a smirk. “You’re thinking that doesn’t sound half bad, but do you have any idea how long an hour of edging feels?”

I shake my head as much as I can. I really have no clue, and it sounds like death by orgasm… but what a way to go. “

“You’ll beg. You’ll probably cry. Either way, I’ll ignore every plea, every whimper, and every moan until I’m satisfied that you’ve learned your lesson. And when I finally, and I do mean finally, let you come, it won’t just be one and done. No, baby girl. You’ll come over and over. One after the other. No breaks. You’ll come until I’ve wrung every last drop of defiance out of you. And then I’ll give you one more, just to solidify it.”

My panties aren’t wet anymore. Nope. I’m pretty sure the Midwest just got a new Great Lake. Mallon releases my jaw, dragging his thumb down my lip. “That’s your one and only warning.” He claims my mouth, kissing me with a ferocity I’ve never experienced. My thoughts swirl, a mess of emotions and sensations that I can’t untangle. Mallon eases back and stares into my eyes, his nose just an inch from mine. “Do you need something from me, Brielle?”

I lick my lips, already missing the feel of him. I don’t have a lot of experience asking for what I want. Not like this. “I—“ I bite my lip as my voice wavers. Nope. Nuh-uh. I’m not a wilting flower. I am Brielle motherfucking Guerrero. “My pussy is soaking wet, and my… clit needs your attention. Sir.”

I probably could have left out the sass on ‘sir.’ I’m sure I’ll pay for it later, but I’m finding it hard to care at the moment. A smile spreads across Mallon’s face and he raises an eyebrow before glancing out the window. The houses are thinning out, getting larger, and we’re well off the highway.

Mallon releases his seatbelt, releases mine, and pulls me into his lap. Before I can even say ‘thank you, sir,’ he yanks my pants down my legs. I lift my hips and he uses a foot to shove them down to my ankles.

“Put your hands behind my neck,” he growls buckling his seatbelt around the both of us. “If they move, you wait until we get home.”

I reach back with both arms and lace my finger behind his neck, loving the way the bristly hairs at the base of his skull tickle my palms. Mallon’s massive arms cage me against him, enveloping me. I lean back against him, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

He spreads my thighs wide. One hand slips under my shirt, kneading my breasts and the sensitive peaks. His other pulls the sodden panel of my panties to the side. “You weren’t kidding,” he rumbles, pressing a finger to my entrance and slicking it through my arousal.

My eyelids snap shut, and I suck in a gasp of air as Mallon twists his wrist, plunging that finger inside me with a growl of approval. His lips tug at my earlobe as he buries a second finger in my core. “Fuck, you feel so good.” His fingers crook and I let out a shameless moan.

“I can’t wait to get my cock inside you,” He murmurs, fingers speeding up. “Sink into this sweet pussy…” he presses hard, setting off the barest blip of an orgasm.

“Mal!” I cry out, feeling a gush of moisture coat his fingers.

“Oh, that’s my good girl.” His arm tightens around me, his fingers pinching my nipple. Pressure builds in my core, but Mal doesn’t ease up. “You wanna come for me again, don’t you baby?”

“Yes sir,” I whimper. Thorin’s eyes are fixed on me, a scorching audience of one. I don’t know why that pushes the whole scene over into a new category of dirty, but it does. “You remember the rule?” Mal asks me.

I nod and tighten the weave of my fingers. “Good girl. You better hang on.” That’s the only warning I get before his rhythmic pumping turns frenetic. A brutal wave of pleasure slams into me and I open my mouth in a silent scream, fighting to keep my hands in place.
