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Isip my gin and tonic, barely tasting it. Thorin elbows me in the side. “Dude, get your mopey ass together.”

“Aren’t you just sweet and sensitive tonight,” I say wryly.

“No work. Not here.”

I roll my eyes at my stepbrother. “Just because you have a steel partition in your brain doesn’t mean the rest of us do. I don’t like it.”

Thorin huffs. “It’ll be fine. It’s a time and an address. They can’t possibly expect a presentation if they won’t even tell us the company name. It’s just a meeting.”

Leo drops into the armchair across from me, arms and legs sprawling as he relaxes. “Are you still stressing?”


“Fuck yes, he is.” Thorin talks over me. The man is a bulldozer.

“Well knock it off,” Leo demands, raising his glass and pointing it at me. “We haven’t had a night off in weeks.”

“It was worth it,” I retort with a grin. Fuck working for anyone else. Yeah, it took a metric shit-ton of work, but starting our own firm was the best idea we ever had.

“Debatable,” Thorin mutters into his glass. “I’m so fucking pent up a stiff breeze could make me jizz.”

Leo kicks Thor’s foot. “You’re just a class act tonight, huh?”

“All work and no play makes Thorin a horny boy,” he growls, finishing his drink. “Christ, it’s dead in here tonight.”

I glance around at the lounge, every table occupied with people warming up for the night. “What are you talking about? It’s packed.”

“I dunno. I’m bored.”

“You were horny five seconds ago, but now you're bored?” Leo laughs.

“I can be both.” Thorin glowers at our partner over his glass of ice, his hard gray eyes just begging Leo to keep talking. But that’s not Leo. He smirks and melts into his chair another twenty percent. I swear to Christ the man couldn’t sit up straight to save his life. Not that it matters. He pulls it off and women fucking love it. I’ve seen more subs crawl into his lap than is fair.

Thorin tilts his head, looking at something behind me with a raised brow. I know that look. I don’t even have to turn around. I lift my chin, getting Leo’s attention. “Thorin spotted a bunny.” Leo grins and turns to see. I don’t bother. If it’s what they want, I’m on board. As long as it’s a chick, and she’s into us, it’ll do for tonight. So, I sip my drink and wait.

“Holy fuck,” Leo murmurs.

Curiosity gets the better of me. I turn to look over the back of my chair. ‘Holy fuck’ is right. A woman moves through the crowd, tall and tan. She has to be at least 5’9” before she put those stilettos on. A black dress is plastered to her body like wet silk, the sheen reflecting the glow of the dim lights. It highlights the confident sway of her hips. Her hair is slicked back in a smooth, tight ponytail. It falls over her bare shoulder like a shimmering black rope.

She glances in our direction, eyes curious, but I sigh and sit back. That’s some serious dom energy if I ever saw it. “Not a bunny, then,” I say to Thorin, whose eyes are still locked on tall, dark, and man-eating. “You in the mood to get pegged? No judgment here, but I’m out.”

“You think she’s a top?” Leo asks skeptically.


“You’re wrong, Mal.”

I raise my eyebrows at Leo. She’s at least twenty feet away and isn’t even looking this direction. Mr. Eye-Contact with his soul reading over here could give Miss Cleo a run for her money if he thinks he can tell which way her kinky pendulum swings. “Maybe she’s a switch. Maybe. But that’s not our bag either.”

“You didn’t look hard enough.”

“I looked,” I argue, finishing my drink and setting it on the table. What does it matter, anyway?
